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CONTACT: Press Office
Mikulski Chairs Appropriations Hearing on FBI Fiscal Year 2010 Budget

FBI Director Mueller testifies before CJS Appropriations Subcommittee

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Chairwoman of the Commerce, Justice and Science (CJS) Appropriations Subcommittee, today chaired a hearing on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) fiscal year 2010 budget. The hearing included testimony from FBI Director Robert Mueller.

Senator Mikulski’s prepared statement follows:

“Good morning and welcome. Today the Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations Subcommittee will hear from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Robert Mueller about the FBI’s budget and priorities for fiscal year 2010.

“First, I want to say that I am proud of the FBI. I am proud of how the men and women serving there fight to protect Americans, dismantle organized crime and drug cartels and combat gang violence that is destroying our neighborhoods. They solve kidnapping and extortion cases and rescue the vulnerable from illicit traffickers. I do not think that Americans don’t fully appreciate the full breadth of what the FBI does to keep America safe.

“After 9/11, the FBI was charged with a new mission. They were still required to carry out their domestic crime fighting role, but an agency within an agency was created to protect us from international terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. The FBI now has two principal jobs: fighting terrorism and fighting crime.

“As Chairwoman of CJS, I want our hearing with the Director to reflect these two huge priorities. We need to truly understand what it takes for FBI to carry out these extraordinary responsibilities. We will begin with an unclassified hearing that will focus primarily on the FBI’s domestic mission. Then, for the first time, we will move to a classified hearing to discuss the FBI’s new mission, much of which cannot be discussed in a public hearing. The CJS Subcommittee will include classified hearings in our annual appropriations process. We will also extend classified hearings to other federal law enforcement agencies when merited. We may even have another classified hearing later this summer to learn about other federal law enforcement needs.

“The President’s budget request for the FBI is $7.9 billion -- a $560 million increase above the 2009 omnibus level, or a 7.7 percent increase. Fortunately, the President’s budget reflects the ongoing needs and priorities of the FBI. This request funds important initiatives like fighting white collar crime and public corruption, protecting the U.S. – Mexico Border from drug traffickers and human smugglings rings, dismantling organized criminal organizations and enterprises and disrupting gangs and recruitment. This budget request includes funding for 12,325 special agents, including 407 new agents, and 2,635 intelligence analysts, including 321 new analysts.”

“The request is $2.4 billion for the FBI’s traditional crime fighting efforts--$133 million above the 2009 omnibus level. This funding will support FBI efforts to fight violent crime and organized criminal enterprises that threaten the safety of our communities and prey on the vulnerable. These criminals are sophisticated and transnational. They smuggle drugs, guns and even people across borders. They do anything to make a profit.

“Criminals are technologically savvy. They use the Internet, BlackBerrys and text messaging to communicate with each other and evade law enforcement. We need sophisticated agents and state of the art technology to track down and investigate these bad guys. The FBI is the premiere law enforcement agency that carries out this important mission. The President’s budget request for criminal activities will fund a total of 4,500 special field agents and 104 intelligence analysts.

“The FBI is playing a major role in protecting the U.S. – Mexico Border, with its Southwest Intelligence Group (SWIG), a clearinghouse of all activities to augment and unify existing FBI efforts with Mexico. It is increasing its focus on public corruption, kidnappings and extortion with a particular focus on Southwest border issues; yet, another major role FBI is playing to fight transnational crime

“Not only is the FBI fighting violent crime on the border, but it is also fighting financial crimes, like mortgage fraud, which are destroying our communities. The FBI request provides $25 million above the fiscal year 2009 omnibus level of $50 million to hire 50 new agents and 61 new forensic accountants to investigate complex financial investigations. This increase is necessary and timely.

“As of April 2009, the FBI is investigating 2,000 mortgage fraud cases and 40 corporate fraud cases. Mortgage fraud cases are complex and resource intensive. An average mortgage fraud investigation takes one and a half years to complete. A corporate fraud investigation requires almost four years to complete. These financial fraud cases are only growing as the economy struggles. I want to know if your budget keeping up with this pace.

“I want to compliment Senator Shelby for sounding the alarm and working to provide funding for the Adam Walsh Act. The FBI plays an important role in Adam Walsh. The FBI is responsible for monitoring, targeting and arresting Internet predators. Innocent Images in Calverton, Maryland, is the FBI cyber headquarters. The FBI also is responsible for rescuing children who have been forced into prostitution, kidnapped and trafficked into and out of the United States.

“Since 2003, the FBI’s Innocence Lost initiative has developed 24 task forces in the U.S. that partner with State and local law enforcement to end child prostitution and trafficking. Efforts have resulted in over 575 children rescued and the conviction of more than 300 pimps, madams and their associates who exploit children through prostitution. Yet there is no additional funding for these important programs that have saved children’s lives. These two programs continue to be flat funded. I want to hear from you today about what resources you need to keep kids safe.

“Our nation faces a growing and pervasive threat from hackers, cyber spies and cyber terrorists. Cyber security is a critical component to our nation’s infrastructure. We need safe and resilient networks to protect our online banking, online commerce, electrical and power grids, air traffic control systems and digitalized records. The FBI is bringing to justice cyber hackers, cyber spies and cyber terrorists who operate in anonymity and with predatory intent towards the United States.

“Last year, we appropriated $75 million for the FBI’s cyber security efforts. This year, the request is $140 million -- a $65 million increase to add 107 agents, 42 intelligence analysts and 111 professional staff. We will hear more about the details on the FBI’s cyber security efforts in the classified session, but I am pleased that the FBI is a key component in guarding our nation’s cyber security.

“Finally, most increases in the FBI’s budget request are for the FBI’s counterterrorism and intelligence activities. We all agree this is a top priority. For counterterrorism, the budget proposes $3.13 billion; a $257 million increase above the 2009 omnibus level. Counterterrorism is over 40 percent of the FBI’s budget. For intelligence, the budget proposes an increase of $1.64 billion, or $154 million a 10 percent increase above the 2009 omnibus level.

“Given all of the FBI’s important roles and responsibilities, we must ensure that it has the resources needed to protect the lives of 300 million Americans. I would like to say it is a personal privilege to thank Director Mueller and the FBI for the leadership on effective interrogation methods that follow the rule of law, but also make sure we get the information we need to protect the American people. You provide advice and guidance on what are effective and legal interrogation techniques. We will leave it up to the Judiciary Committee to further investigate the previous Administration’s approach. Today, I just want to thank you for your leadership.”

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