



“Censorship in the name of diversity”

July 11th, 2008 by Press Staff

Derek Hunter has a great piece in today’s Politico arguing against the “Fairness Doctrine” which is effectively government censorship on talk radio.  It’s on a long wishlist of “Those angry Democrats” who are mad because their domination of the media can’t carry over to the radio.

From the peice:

“You’d think something on which the Constitution is unambiguous (the First Amendment does say, ‘Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech’) would be settled beyond dispute, but history has proved otherwise…

“[T]oday’s politicians are too savvy to attempt this sort of full-frontal assault on speech.  Instead they’re employing a slightly different, more modern tactic - censorship in the name of diversity.”

To read the full article, click here.

Among other things, the article highlights Rep. Mike Pence’s efforts on the issue including an amendment to an appropriations bill that passed overwhelmingly last year and Speaker Pelosi’s refusal to bring up his “Broadcaster Freedom Act” to a vote for fear that it might pass.  For more information on the act from Rep. Pence’s office, click here.