



Help Stop the Energy Tax: Sign the Petition

June 26th, 2009 by Spokesbloggette

Today, Speaker Pelosi’s plan to implement a national energy tax is set to be on the House floor. The plan would place a devastating tax on all Americans known as “Cap and Tax” with the intent to reduce America’s carbon emission levels in 2050 to the level emitted in 1910.  That’s no easy task when you consider that the population of the United States in 1910 was just 92 million people compared to an estimated 420 million in 2050. 

Join more than 130,000 Americans who have signed the petition asking that Congress reject any and all legislation (or regulatory action by the EPA) that would enact new energy taxes and/or establish a national cap and trade system for carbon dioxide that would, as President Obama has said, cause electricity and other energy prices to “necessarily skyrocket”.

Sign the petition.