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Earthquake Hazards Program

USGS Body-Wave Moment Tensor Solution

 09/08/03 17:59:59.85
 GULF OF CALIFORNIA              
 Epicenter:  29.372 -112.813
 MW 6.8

 Depth  18         No. of sta: 41
 Moment Tensor;   Scale 10**19 Nm
   Mrr=-0.07       Mtt=-1.74
   Mpp= 1.80       Mrt= 0.10
   Mrp= 0.38       Mtp=-0.20
  Principal axes:
   T  Val=  1.88  Plg=10  Azm=267
   N       -0.13      78       65
   P       -1.76       4      176

 Best Double Couple:Mo=1.8*10**19
  NP1:Strike=311 Dip=79 Slip= 175
  NP2:        42     85        11
   T ###############-##############   
          --------   ------           
               --- P -                

Moment Tensor Solution


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