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Get Involved
Meet an Expert
Meet an Expert
Meet Sally Morehead, Manager for the Mission-Aransas NERR, Texas. Meet other great people who do COOL work protecting estuaries!
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Meet an Expert
Meet Beth Ebersole, Manager for the Chesapeake Bay NERR, Maryland. Meet other great people who do COOL work protecting estuaries!
Meet an Expert
Meet an Expert
Meet Glen "Alex" Alexander, Education Coordinator for the Padilla Bay NERR, WA. Meet other great people who do COOL work protecting estuaries!
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Meet an Expert
Meet Kiersten Madden, Stewardship Coordinator for the Mission-Aransas NERR, Texas. Meet other great people who do COOL work protecting estuaries!
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Meet an Expert
Meet Sarah McGuire, Education Coordinator for the Chesapeake Bay NERR, Virginia. Meet other great people who do COOL work protecting estuaries!
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Meet an Expert
Meet Chad Leister, Coastal Training Program Coordinator for Mission-Aransas NERR, Texas. Meet other great people who do COOL work protecting estuaries!
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Protect an Estuary
Respect habitat. Treat the homes of vital marine life with care. Habitat and survival go hand-in-hand. When habitat disappears, so do many plants and animals.
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Browse by Topic
We are looking for your contributions. Tell us how you made a difference that benefited a coastal or estuarine area. Send us your stories, we will select the best and print them here.

Find featured stories here.
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National Estuaries Day

Celebrate National Estuaries Day locally and globally! National Estuaries Day is an annual celebration to increase the public’s understanding of estuaries and the need to protect them.

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Join Friends of the NERRS
Learn about the National Estuarine Research Reserve Association (NERRA) and many other Friends Groups who organize a variety of activities benefiting the local estuary and reserve.
Connect with Nature!
Looking for ways to connect with our coastal environment? Learn about kayak adventures, history walks and more...
Plan an Event
All the information you need to organize your own National Estuaries Day event, and/or get involved in a NERRS event.


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