Straight Talk

by Khoo Kay Peng

I-VOTE participant blogs about his observations of the U.S. Presidential election.



Denis Pimenov
As part of the Legislative Education and Practice Program (LEAP), Future Leaders Exchange Program (FLEX) Russian Federation alumnus Denis Pimenov had an internship in the Kentucky state legislature.
Frédérick Gagnon
Considered by many to be Quebec’s foremost expert on American politics, Fulbright American Studies Institute* alumnus Frédérick Gagnon is recognized for his insight into the current U.S. presidential campaign and for provoking thoughtful discussion on U.S. elections in Canada.
Bakur Kvaratskhelia
Bakur Kvaratskhelia, of Tbilisi, Georgia, participated in an exchange in December 2007 through the Legislative Education and Practice Program (LEAP).  He currently works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia as a Deputy Director of the Department of Diplomatic Protocol.
David An
When David An embarked on his Fulbright student fellowship to China and Taiwan, he expected to move beyond just research to experience Taiwan’s democracy and elections and China’s village elections first hand.  But his Fulbright experience far exceeded his expectations.