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"We hear a lot about opposition to the use of Congressional earmarks so I thought it would be good to invite Nebraskans to comment on them before we actually fund them, to express support or concern."

˜ Ben Nelson

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Over the last eight years, Nebraska's Senator Ben Nelson has worked with local officials and community leaders to direct earmarked federal funds to Nebraska priorities. This funding has not only helped meet community needs, it has created jobs and spurred economic development.

As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Nelson believes it is critical to only use federal taxpayers’ dollars to fund projects that are worthwhile and have the support of Nebraskans. This website is designed to provide you and all Nebraskans an opportunity to voice your concerns or support for Nebraska-related projects paid for with federal resources.

Nebraska Projects

New rules regarding earmarks requires posting those earmarks requested by a Senator once the funding has been requested. Below are lists of all the congressional earmarks that Senator Nelson has requested for Nebraska in fiscal year 2010. These projects appear in the 12 annual federal appropriations bills that Congress must pass to fund federal government operations ranging from farm subsidies to national security. The dollar amounts on these requests will likely change as the appropriations bills move through their respective committees. The new amounts will be updated accordingly.

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To voice your support or concern for any of these Nebraska projects, please email