Financial Management Office
Steven Fisher, Director and Chief Financial Officer

The Financial Management Office (FMO) is responsible for agency-wide budget, financial accounting, and acquisition policies and services, program performance reporting, compliance with federal financial management regulations and statutes, and management audit review. FMO's activities include:

  • Providing accurate and timely financial information to agency and program managers, Congress, the Department of Treasury, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and other federal control agencies, as appropriate.
  • Developing and applying effective financial management policies, procedures, and reports that integrate program performance.
  • Preparing and justifying the FTC's annual budget and Government Performance and Results Act submissions to OMB and Congress. See Financial Documents and Government Performance and Results Act
  • Executing enacted appropriations, through strategic and operational planning, distributing funds to FTC bureaus and offices, and monitoring the obligation and reprogramming of funds. See: Budget History Tables .
  • Maintaining agency financial accounts and records, and preparing auditable financial statements. See Office of Inspector General: Audit Report .
  • Managing agency-wide contracting and acquisition policies, procedures, competitions, and systems. See: Procurement Opportunities
  • Administering the agency's core financial management and staff time and reporting systems

Last Modified: Monday, 25-Jun-2007 12:23:00 EDT