



Info on bailout

September 28th, 2008 by Jack

Today, details on the “economic rescue plan” were made available.  To make it easier on folks to learn about the plan, I’ve created a webpage where my staff and I are compiling information.  I urge you to read it and to contact me with your thoughts on the plan. 

As we post this information on the web, I am in Washington deliberating on the economic rescue plan or ‘bailout’.  We have been in session all weekend with countless meetings attended by Secretary Paulson, Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke, Vice President Cheney and many of the President’s Economic Advisors.  At this time we are having more meetings tonight.

The questions are endless.  Why $700 billion?  How did we get into this mess?  If Congress doesn’t act, what are the actual consequences?  How will the Treasury Department exercise these new powers?  How will the transition between President Bush and his successor work?  What are the mechanics of each section of the bill?  How do we punish those who exercised bad judgment?  How do we protect the taxpayers?  Can we spend less money and still restore market confidence?  Since there is no market for bad mortgages, how does the federal government value these properties when it buys them?

The proposed bill is over 100 pages.  Everyone is looking it over very carefully.  Your input is welcomed.  That’s why I’m posting it along with some related facts and opinions.

We will be voting on this in the House in the next twelve hours and the Senate will vote on Wednesday or Thursday so there’s still time to make your voice heard.

To see the website, click here or direct your browser to

Kingston signs letter asking President to use royalties to offset the bailout

September 26th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

Jack joined with many of his House Republican Colleagues in asking the President to use royalties from offshore and shale oil production to help offset any bailout of financial institutions.  Not only would this proposal help offset taxpayer liability, it would help bring down the price at the pump.  A copy of the letter can be found here: 9.24.08 Republican Letter to the President on Bailout

Another Iraq benchmark

September 26th, 2008 by Press Staff

From today’s Washington Post:

“WHILE WASHINGTON was seized with congressional negotiations over the Wall Street bailout, Iraq’s parliament on Wednesday took another major step toward political stabilization. By a unanimous vote, the national legislature approved a plan for local elections in 14 of 18 provinces by early next year — clearing the way for a new, more representative and more secular wave of politicians to take office.” Full editorial here.

Important information on the legislation:

  • eliminates the party slate system which allowed religious factions to dominate elections
  • secures 25% of seats for women to give them a voice in their government
  • allows Sunni leaders to compete in elections

This is great news for Iraq and is a another sign of the great progress being made there.


September 24th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

Victory! Victory!  That’s our cry!

Just a day after Jack and 150 of his House Republican colleagues issued a letter to the President calling on him to veto any funding measure that would continue the nation’s outdated moratorium on American energy, House Democrats gave in and removed the provision from the continuing resolution (CR).  While we’re not out of the woods yet, this is great news!

Stay tuned. The CR which is expected to pass today only funds the government through March 2009.  If this turns out to be empty campaign posturing, Democrats could reinstate the ban and continue to deprive Americans of American energy.

Jack secures votes to block Dem attempts at continuing OCS ban

September 22nd, 2008 by Spokesblogger

Jack today secured 151 signatures on a letter to President Bush urging him to veto any continuing resolution that contains an extension of the ban on offshore drilling.  From the release:

After failing to pass a single spending bill this year, congressional Democrats are forced this week to pass a continuing resolution (CR) that will fund the government after the end of the fiscal year on September 30, 2008.  To block efforts by Democratic leaders to continue the congressional ban on offshore drilling, Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1) today sent a letter to the President asking him to veto any CR containing the moratorium.

“We have worked all year for a vote on this issue,” Congressman Kingston said, “and it’s a shame that the only way to have an open debate is through the CR.  If the Speaker opened the floor for a full debate, this would not be necessary.  In light of her refusal to do so, we’re ready to force a vote and give the American people the right to explore American energy.”

With 151 signatories, the letter exceeds the veto-sustaining threshold and would block attempts to sneak in a continuation of the moratorium through another fiscal year.  Though House Democrats forced through a watered down energy package earlier this year, its provisions would nearly cripple efforts to open up American energy resources.

To read the full release, click here.


September 8th, 2008 by Districtblogger

From the Department of Veterans Affairs: 

Patient Centered Care - Putting Concepts into Action!

VISN 7 Town Hall

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

12:00 Noon

Dublin VAMC Auditorium

or call 1-800-767-1750 Access Code 48341

The VA Southeast Network is hosting a unique virtual Town Hall Meeting to discuss our transformation to Patient Centered Care.  Veterans and VA Staff are invited to attend the meeting hosted by the Deputy Under Secretary for Health and Operations Management, Mr. Bill Feeley and the VISN 7 Network Director, Mr. Larry Biro. 

The VA Medical Centers and Community Based Outpatient Clinics in Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama are continuing to build a foundation with a strong patient centered care focus.  Our objective is to provide care that considers each patent’s cultural traditions, personal preferences and values, family situations, and lifestyles.

Patient Centered Care

·        Makes the patient/their loved ones an integral part of the care team.

·        Encourages patients and their loved ones to collaborate with health care professionals in making clinical decisions.

·        Ensures that transitions between providers, departments, and health care settings are respectful, coordinated, and efficient.*

To enhance this transformation, the VA Southeast Network will host this unique call with veterans and VA staff.  Mr. Feeley and Mr. Biro will talk with veterans and staff about this transformation and will announce a new assessment tool which will allow each facility to measure their progress towards the key concepts associated with Patient Centered Care.  

We hope to have hundreds of participants on the call.  If you have questions or comments during this call, you may email these to Laura Krejci at  Mr. Feeley and Mr. Biro will address as many of the questions as possible during the meeting. 

If you are interested in learning more about this initiative, please contact your facility Customer Service Coordinator, Sue Preston at ext. 2730.

Thank you for your participation in this important call.  Thank you for helping the VA Southeast Network become leaders in Patient Centered Care, and help us keep our promise to ENSURE EVERY VETERAN IS PERSONALLY SATISFIED!

Jack on Health Care

September 5th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

Recently, Jack was interviewed by the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest.  To see the interview, click below:

Jack Kingston (R,GA) on American Healthcare Reform from CMPI on Vimeo.