



Inconvenient Truth Really Inconvenient For Al Gore

February 28th, 2007 by Spokesbloggette


In light of the Oscar win for Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” we couldn’t help but point you to a Tennessee Center for Policy Research report detailing Gore’s energy usage at his Nashville mansion. 

It’s seems that as he lectures Americans on how to save energy doing everything from turning down your thermostat to unplugging electronics you aren’t using (even those that are switched off) to drying your clothes on a clothesline rather than a dryer, Gore’s mansion sucks up more energy in one month than most Americans use in a whole year.

According to the report, the Gores paid more than $30,000 for his electric and natural gas bills.  The Department of Energy estimates that the average American household uses 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year; the Gore mansion used 221,000 kWh in 2006.  That’s more than 20 times the average.

Gore’s spokewsoman argues that he purchases energy from renewable sources and that offsets his energy cost.  Maybe.  But perhaps Gore’s mission to save the planet should start at home.

Let’s Agree to Disagree

February 22nd, 2007 by Jack

A friend of the office, Mike Nyilis, posted an interesting article on the myth of common ground in the mainstream media.  It’s an interesting read.  The full article can be found here.

Another Perspective on the Iraq Debate

February 16th, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Thirty-four years ago this week, Congressman Sam Johnson of Texas was released after being detained as a prisoner of war for seven years in Vietnam.  Today, this twenty-nine year veteran of the United States Air Force addressed the House just moments before the final vote of the non-binding, stay the course resolution offered by the Democrat majority.

Below, you will find a link to a video of Congressman Johnson’s remarks.  They put this debate into the perspective of a, “fighter pilot, student of war, combat fighter, leader of men, and prisoner of war,” whose life experiences inspired him to serve in public office to, “make America a better place for all of us.”

 Watch Video

NOTE: H. Con. Res. 63 passed the House 246-182.  The full vote is posted here.

Non-Binding Nonsense

February 16th, 2007 by Spokesbloggette

We just wanted to draw your attention to Jack’s Red State post today on the Dems’ non-binding Iraq resolution.

On The Ground

February 15th, 2007 by Spokesbloggette

As the House continues its debate on the Democrat resolution supporting the troops, but opposing the troop surge, one wonders what the troops on the ground think about all of this.

Yesterday in The Washington Times, there was an interesting commentary in which an Army Sergeant on his second tour in Iraq gives his view on the situation. He begins:

 “The American military has shown a stone-cold professional veneer throughout the seething debate raging over Iraq.  Beneath that veneer, however, is a fuming, visceral hatred.  We feel as though we have been betrayed by Congress.”

Regardless of how you come down on the Iraq debate, this is well worth the read.�

Jack on Hardball

February 13th, 2007 by Spokesblogger

Jack was on MSNBC’s Hardball tonight discussing the Democrats’ inability to take the wheel and drive on Iraq.  A clip of the segment is available here.

Jack on the Floor

February 13th, 2007 by Legislative Staff

Today, Jack went on the floor to participate in the ongoing debate on Iraq.  Below, you’ll find a clip of his statement.


Watch Video

Sad News To Report

February 13th, 2007 by Spokesbloggette



We were saddened to learn this afternoon that fellow Georgian Rep. Charlie Norwood has lost his long battle with cancer.  He passed away this morning at his Augusta home. 

Jack released the following statement a short time ago:

“I was saddened to hear of Charlie’s passing today.  Charlie was a fighter both in politics and health; an ordinary man would have thrown in the towel long ago.  Charlie and I have been friends and colleagues since he came to Congress in 1995.  Besides being a great representative, Charlie was an incredible man who served his country in Vietnam where he won two Bronze Stars.  When he came home, he opened his dental practice where he helped hundreds of patients.  He brought concern for people to Congress where he fought for patient rights, veterans and small businesses.  Congress and the State of Georgia have lost a good man today.  My thoughts and prayers are with Gloria and their family.”

Top Gun

February 1st, 2007 by Spokesbloggette


Perhaps it was her recent trip to Iraq and Afghanistan but Speaker Nancy Pelosi has developed a taste for military travel.  And it looks like she’s bringing some friends and family along for the ride back to San Francisco.

According to an article in today’s Washington Times:

“The office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is pressing the Bush administration for routine access to military aircraft for domestic flights, such as trips back to her San Francisco district, according to sources familiar with the discussions. 

The sources, who include those in Congress and in the the administration, said the Democrat is seeking regualr military flights not only for herself and her staff, but also for relatives and for other members of the California delegation.  A knowledgeable source called the request ‘carte blanche for an aircraft at any time’”