



JACK ON THE FLOOR - Agriculture Appropriations

July 8th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Jack, who serves as the Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Appropriations Committee, speaks on the house floor about the FY 2010 Agriculture Appropriations bill.


July 8th, 2009 by Press Staff

Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI), Trade Subcommittee Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-TX), and Appropriations Subcommittee (Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies) Ranking Member Jack Kingston (R-GA) issued a letter to colleagues today highlighting the flaws and dangers of a provision that would prevent under any circumstance the importation of poultry from China.  The provision has no food safety basis while putting at risk American jobs and millions of dollars of U.S. poultry exports to China.   �

Statement of Republican Policy on Agriculture Appropriations

July 8th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Find below a link to the Statement of Republican policy on the Agriculture Appropriations bill which will be debated later today on the floor.  As you may know, Jack is the Ranking Republican on the committee which formulated this bill.  To read the statement, click below:


Senate Committee passes Agriculture Appropriations

July 7th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

The Senate Appropriations Committee passed their Ag Approps bill today - the House will be taking up the bill, on which Jack is the most senior Republican, tomorrow.

 To view a summary of the bill, click here.

Ag amendments posted on Rules Committee websites

July 7th, 2009 by Spokesblogger

The House Rules Committee has posted a full list of the amendments to the Agriculture Appropriations submitted to them.  The bill is expected to be considered tomorrow (click here for a fact sheet).

Among them, six were offered by Jack:

Kingston (GA) - Would prohibit funds in the bill from being used to inspect catfish under the Federal Meat Inspection Act other than the species icataluridae.

Kingston (GA) - Would strike the provision in the bill prohibiting use of funds to establish or implement a rule allowing poultry products to be imported into the U.S. from China.

Kingston (GA) - Would prohibit funds in the bill from being used to award quality control bonus payments to certain states that have conferred automatic eligibility for SNAP benefits and relaxed or eliminated the evaluation of participants’ resources (AZ, CA, DE, GA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, NY, ND, OH, OR, PA, SC, TX, WA, WV, and WI).

Kingston (GA) - Would prohibit funds from being used to administer or pay the salary of personnel who administer any broadband loans or loan guarantees on or before September 30, 2010.

Kingston (GA) - Would bar funds to entities for contractors that are eligible but do not participate in E-Verify.

Kingston (GA) - Would prohibit any funds in the bill from being used to provide rental housing assistance, or a direct or guaranteed loan subsidy, to any alien who is illegally residing in the U.S.

FACT SHEET: FY 2010 Ag Approps

July 7th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

This week, the House is set to consider the FY 2010 Agriculture Appropriations Act (HR 2997).  Jack serves as the Ranking Republican on the Subcommittee which drafted this bill.

 To view a fact sheet of the bill, click here.

For full bill text, click here.

More to come later…

Help Stop the Energy Tax: Sign the Petition

June 26th, 2009 by Spokesbloggette

Today, Speaker Pelosi’s plan to implement a national energy tax is set to be on the House floor. The plan would place a devastating tax on all Americans known as “Cap and Tax” with the intent to reduce America’s carbon emission levels in 2050 to the level emitted in 1910.  That’s no easy task when you consider that the population of the United States in 1910 was just 92 million people compared to an estimated 420 million in 2050. 

Join more than 130,000 Americans who have signed the petition asking that Congress reject any and all legislation (or regulatory action by the EPA) that would enact new energy taxes and/or establish a national cap and trade system for carbon dioxide that would, as President Obama has said, cause electricity and other energy prices to “necessarily skyrocket”.

Sign the petition.


June 24th, 2009 by Press Staff

Congressman highlights impact of national energy tax on agriculture

WASHINGTON, DC – Following an announcement late last night that House Democrats have reached an agreement within their caucus to pass “Cap and Tax” legislation, Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1) expressed grave concern over the legislation’s impact on agriculture.

Congressman Kingston, who serves in the top Republican spot on the House Agriculture Appropriations Committee, noted agriculture’s reliance on energy-related inputs.

“They’ve put lipstick on a pig but it’s still a pig even though the lipstick looks lovely,” Congressman Kingston said.  “Agriculture is inherently a energy-intensive industry and this bill does nothing to mitigate that fact.  From tractor fuel to fertilizer to livestock feed, farmers across America are especially vulnerable to this proposed national energy tax.  Our farmers are already struggling with the high cost of fertilizer and feed and gas prices are going up.  Now, in this time of economic downturn, is not the time to further drive up the cost of farming and the cost of food.  American farmers can’t afford it and neither can American families.”

Read the rest of this entry »

Georgia Farm Bureau Young Farmers

March 11th, 2009 by Legislative Staff


Jack met today with a delegation of Young Farmers from the Georgia Farm Bureau to discuss issues affecting farmers on the federal level.  Among other things, the group talked about President Obama’s proposal to cut crop support payments, immigration reform, and environmental issues.  Pictured with Congressman Kingston are Cory and Lori Johnson of Bacon County, Jones and Courtney Woody of Lowndes County, Matthew Johnson of Decatur County, Cooper Fields of Emanuel County, Mace and Christie Henry of Emanuel County, Glen Sapp of Mitchell County and Ryan Harrell of Clay County.


December 12th, 2008 by Press Staff

Farmers now eligible for aid consideration

Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1) today announced that farmers affected by this year’s drought may now be eligible for assistance from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

“This drought has hit hard and now farmers are eligible for much needed assistance,” said Congressman Kingston.  “While we’ve had a good deal of rain lately, the beginning of the year was very tough for a lot of us.  I encourage anyone eligible for these loans to contact their local FSA office for assistance”

Read the rest of this entry »


October 21st, 2008 by Press Staff

Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1) has been named as the recipient of the “Friend of Farm Bureau” award, given during every Congress by the American Farm Bureau Federation.  Eligibility for the award is determined by the voting records of legislators who support the Farm Bureau‘s positions on specific votes.  Nominated by Georgia Farm Bureau, Kingston received the award based on his loyal support of Georgia farmers and his work on the Farm, Nutrition and Bioenergy Act of 2007, commonly known as the “farm bill.”

Farm Bureau is an independent, non-governmental, voluntary organization governed by and representing farm and ranch families united for the purpose of analyzing their problems and formulating action to achieve educational improvement and economic opportunity.  Farm Bureau is local, county, state, national and international in its scope and influence and is non-partisan in character.  The bureau strives to lend a voice to agricultural producers at all levels.

 “I am honored that Georgia Farm Bureau feels that I am a friend to the Georgia farmer,” said Congressman Kingston.  “Agriculture is the economic backbone of our great state, but the impact of the contributions of Georgia farmers reaches the rest of our nation and many countries around the world.  I have worked hard to be an advocate of farmers and ranchers during my time on the agriculture subcommittee and will continue to work with Farm Bureau on these important issues.”

The American Farm Bureau Federation was founded in 1919 by a small group of farmers from 30 states.  Their goal was to create a voice for themselves by forming a national organization.  Farm Bureau soon became the voice of agriculture at the national level.  While the organization has faced many issues and challenges over the past 80 years, the mission and goals of Farm Bureau have remained the same; a concern in speaking out on issues of concern for the nation’s farmers and ranchers.  To learn more about the American Farm Bureau Federation, visit

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Farm Bill conference report available online

May 13th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

The House Agriculture Committee has made the Farm Bill conference report available online.  You can view it here.


May 8th, 2008 by Press Staff

From the Agriculture Committee’s press shop: 

Congressional negotiators will announce a final farm bill conference agreement TOMORROW, May 8, 2008 at 1:30 PM EDT in 1300 Longworth House Office Building. The bipartisan, bicameral group will discuss the details of the final bill, which makes investments in conservation, energy, nutrition and rural development while continuing and strengthening farm income protection.

The event will also be webcast on the House and Senate Agriculture Committee Websites at: or

WHO: Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), Chairman, Senate Agriculture Committee

Congressman Collin Peterson (D-MN), Chairman, House Agriculture Committee

Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), Ranking Member, Senate Agriculture Committee

Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Ranking Member, House Agriculture Committee

Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND), Chairman, Senate Budget Committee

Senator Max Baucus (D-MT), Chairman, Senate Finance Committee

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Ranking Member, Senate Finance Committee

Congressman Earl Pomeroy (D-ND), Member, House Agriculture and House Ways and Means Committees

WHAT: Agriculture leaders to announce farm bill conference report

WHEN: Thursday, May 8, 2008; 1:30 PM

WHERE: Longworth House Office Building; Room 1300