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United States African Development Foundation


ID- USADF's internal document tracking code for a particular investment.

- the name of the client group that received a USADF grant in a given country and the primary activity.

Description -
a summary of the how the investment will be used. This entry links to the actual investment description document defining the objectives and performance targets of the investment.
Goals - This entry links to a PDF file of the orginal investment agreement with project goals and objectives.

Value - Total Original US Dollar value of the grant and any budget amendements.
Budget - This entry links to the original investment budget denominated in local currency at the time the grant was awarded.

Start - the date the funds were obligated to the grantee.

End - the last day of the period during which USADF funds will be used to implement an approved investment proposal.

Click on Links Below to see additional details ...  View Mali Project Map here.

1451 Groupement Ployformatique "YAYE" (GPY) Funds are used to acquire up-to-date IT equipment for continued market growth in Sikasso.
Sep-02 Nov-09
1535 Ami Guindo Limited Company Funds are used to build technical and managerial capacity for the Bamako-based dyed textile producers.
Feb-04 Feb-09
1536 Supplying for Preservation of Foodstuffs Mali Funds are used to construct a warehouse, procure a generator and for working capital.
Feb-04 Dec-08
1550 Mali Volailles IEG   Funds are used to construct a hatchery and henhouses, and to supplement operating capital  for expanded production.
Jul-04 Jun-09
1551 Assn for the Fight Against Desertification  Funds are used to rehabilitate ALCD's factory and to expand marketing activities for the production of charcoal briquettes.
May-04 May-09
1552 Dugu Ka Jeya   photos Funds are used to expand solid waste and sanitation services. 
Jun-04 Jun-09
1583 Miellerie Moderne du Mali   Funds are used to provide technical assistance to enhance the marketing and management capacity of this Bamako-based honey distributor.
Sep-04 Sep-09
1585 AGVF Bandiagara   Funds are used to create a revolving loan fund for 1800 members to increase the marketing and production of onions in Bandiagara.
Sep-04 Sep-09
1586 TAMAK Sarl  photos Funds are used to purchase equipment and technical assistance for local production of exportable leather.
Sep-04 Sep-09
1587 Benkadi Assn: Support Malian Fistulous Women photos Funds are used to build management and production capacity at a laundromat for women stigmatized with fistulas.
Sep-04 Sep-09
1674 Multichem Sarl  photos Funds are used to improve management and production capacity, upgrade equipment and purchase a packaging station all for mango exporting.
Sep-06 Sep-11
1676 Multi-functional Coop of Hondobomokoina photos    Funds are used to improve rice farming capacity and livestock husbandry and increase working capital.
Sep-06 Sep-11
1692 Diré Agricultural Cooperative  photos   video (test)     Funds are used to strengthen technical and managerial capacity to increase farmer yields. 
Sep-06 Sep-11
1695 Multi-Purpose Cooperative of Bourem Inaly     Funds are used to increase production through the acquisition of water pumps, agricultural inputs and equipment, and the establishment of a revolving loan fund. 
Sep-06 Sep-11
1709 Nyeta Musow               Funds are used to establish a credit fund and purchase additional equipment for an expanded customer base.
Sep-06 Sep-11
1768 Adiara Couture     Funds are used to purchase an industrial loom, a cutting machine, and a diesel generator allowing Adiara to produce lace for the domestic market. 
Sep-07 Sep-12
1772 Sounoumba SARL    Funds are used to purchase an industrial oven, improve infrastructure and management capacity for the production of wooden pallets.
Sep-07 Sep-12
1774 Societe de Promotion Artisanale Tomboctou     Funds are used to acquire equipment, technical assistance, and the development of a business plan for future expansion for traditional artisans.


Sep-07 Mar-09
1780 Federation des Guireyaawes                    Funds are used to develop a market survey, a business plan and label for local sesame grown by  members.
Sep-07 Mar-09
1787 Société de Fabrication de Coton Hydrophile SA photos Funds are used to build and purchase equipment that enables profitable growth in the cotton production industry.
Sep-07 Sep-12
1799 Coop Product de Beurre Karité de Zantiébougou photos Funds are used to develop and implement an export market study and a business plan for the continued production of Shea butter. technical report
Sep-07 Mar-09
1800 OLEA SARL      Funds are used to facilitate the expansion into value added processing by funding equipment and raw material for sesame oil production.  
Sep-07 Sep-12
1846 Bankass Women's Cooperative Dairy Funds are used to process raw milk into pasteurized milk and other dairy products to help take advantage of unmet demands for dairy products.
1847 Ouattagouna Karou Fishers Funds are used to improve socio-economic development by obtaining fishing nets, improiving mangerial skills, and marketing products to meet fish demands.
1848 Bourra Tessit Fishers

Funds are used to improve socio-economic development by obtaining fishing nets, improiving mangerial skills, and marketing products to meet fish demands.

1853 Ansongo Bara Fishers

Funds are used to improve socio-economic development by obtaining fishing nets, improiving mangerial skills, and marketing products to meet fish demands.

1857 Bankass Livestock Cooperative Capacity Building Funds are used to help adopt sedentary livestock production  to fatten cattle and begin to sell cattle feed and provide milk to Bankass Dairy and other markets.
1879 Fishing Federation - District of Asongo Funds are used to improve socio-economic development by organizing fish management activities and expand market oppurtunities.

CA = See Cooperative Agreement for Details

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Last Updated: March 11, 2009