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Congressman Lamborn Announces Establishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office in Colorado Springs


Colorado Springs, Jan 18, 2008 -

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) today announced that a much-needed Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office will be operational in Colorado Springs by 2009. Congressman Lamborn has been working diligently with Senator Allard and Senator Salazar, as well as the Department of Homeland Security to establish an ICE office in El Paso County.  The Congressman confirmed yesterday with ICE that the necessary funding for this project has been identified.  

A search for appropriate office space will start early this year and construction will begin before the end of 2008.  Once the office is completely constructed, it is anticipated that the office will have a team of ICE investigative agents.

“This is excellent news for Colorado Springs.  When I came to Washington, I felt it was vital to our national and economic security to address the illegal immigration concerns facing America.  We must secure our borders and focus on enforcing our current immigration laws.  The El Paso County Board of Commissioners has shown a lot of leadership on this issue as well.  This ICE office in Colorado Springs is a tremendous step towards handling this issue here in our own community.  There is however, still more work to be done at the national level.  I will not support amnesty in any form and will continue my fight to ensure that illegal immigrants are not rewarded with benefits or citizenship at the expense of law-abiding American taxpayers.” – Congressman Doug Lamborn

Colorado Springs is the second largest metropolitan area in the state of Colorado and in recent years has experienced heightened illegal immigration and drug trafficking.  Combating this increase in crime has placed both a financial and logistical strain on local law enforcement and detention facilities.  The creation of this office will alleviate some of the burden and aid Colorado Springs officials in addressing the numerous problems associated with illegal immigration.

“ICE is looking forward to opening a Colorado Springs office in the not-too-distant future,” said Jeffrey Copp, special agent in charge of the ICE Office of Investigations in Denver.  “However, to accommodate the need for local immigration and customs enforcement, we already have a contingent of ICE agents who are using office space generously provided by the Colorado Springs Police Department.  We also continue to work cooperatively with local law enforcement agencies throughout the area to accomplish the common goal of reducing the overall threat to public safety.”  Copp oversees a four-state area which includes:  Colorado, Montana, Utah and Wyoming.
