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Congressman Lamborn Responds to the President's State of the Union Address

Washington, Jan 28, 2008 -

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05), tonight, issued the following statement after President Bush's State of the Union Address:

"Tonight, the President called on Congress to continue to protect our national security and the mission of our servicemen and women as they wage the Global War on Terrorism. Our troops have given willingly of themselves to ensure our security; they have fought with selfless honor and distinction. Congress must be committed to supporting our servicemen and women in this fight against terrorist enemies motivated by hate. We must ensure, without political strings, that our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines have the resources and funding necessary to win this war.

"Sound economic policies also require a long term perspective and a steady hand. For this reason I wholeheartedly support permanent extension of the Bush tax cuts. Our marketplace reacts positively to and can plan better with permanent tax relief. The tax cuts have resulted in not only record revenues for the Treasury, but more importantly, excellent job growth. Permanent tax relief for all Americans puts the money back where it belongs – in taxpayer pockets. Our economy benefits when our citizens can choose to invest or to spend as they see fit.

"In his speech, the President highlighted earmark reform among his top priorities. There is no doubt that earmarks must be reduced and that there is a serious need for earmark reform in Washington. Going forward, I embrace the earmark reforms agreed upon by the Republicans. Beyond that, for the next fiscal year, I will limit my consideration to projects related to the interests of national security." – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
