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Lamborn Joins GOP In Walk-Out

Democrats Decide To Go Home Rather Than Keep America Safe


Washington, Feb 14, 2008 -

WASHINGTON D.C. - Congressman Lamborn (CO-05) issued the following statement after joining Minority Leader John Boehner and his fellow Republican Members of Congress as they walked out of the House Chamber when Democrats decided to go home and to let the Protect America Act expire rather than pass the bipartisan legislation that would solidify the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Following House debate, Republicans united in a press conference on the front steps of the Capitol asking for a Rule Vote only.

"Today Republicans took a bold step to keep our nation safe from terrorist threats by refusing to allow Democrats to continue to play this dangerous political game. By allowing the Protect America Act to expire, the Democrats put American lives at stake and make our nation vulnerable to jihadist terrorists. This bipartisan legislation would authorize the NSA and the CIA to continue conducting surveillance on foreign enemies without delays or gaps in information gathering by being forced to wait for a warrant. This blatant disregard for our national security basically announces to the world that after midnight tomorrow, America will be laying down its defenses against another attack on U.S. soil. Democrats are jeopardizing American lives and our national security, and that is simply a risk I am not willing to take. We are willing to stay until we have passed sound permanent legislation that will keep America safe." – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) 
