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Lamborn Supports NATO's Agreement

Lamborn and other House Armed Service Committee Members Applaud NATO's Endorsement of Bush's Missile Defense Plan in Europe


Washington, Apr 3, 2008 -

WASHINGTON D.C. - Today Congressman Lamborn (CO-05) issued the following statement regarding NATO’s endorsement of President Bush’s plan to build a missile defense system in Europe.

“I am very pleased with NATO’s agreement to endorse President Bush’s plan to deploy an integrated missile defense system in Europe. It is a great day for our country’s future defense initiative.  The radar in the Czech Republic will enhance the ability of the current missile defense system to recognize and track potential missile threats from specific locations in the world.  Having ground based interceptors in Poland, strategically located closer to potential threats, will provide an intercept location that will create a greater opportunity to intercept missiles earlier in the flight path and increase the window of time during which an intercept can occur.  Located in Colorado Springs, the Missile Defense Integration and Operations Center has been instrumental in planning for the future European site and will continue to play an important role in the integration of the global Ballistic Missile Defense System.  I am continually cognizant of the growing threats in the 21st century by missiles and weapons of mass destruction, and I fully support steps that help protect the freedom of America and her allies.” – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
