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Lamborn Joins House Republicans to Demand Vote on Landmark

Lamborn states “America Will No Longer Keep Its Rich Energy Resources Under Lock-and-Key”


Washington, Jul 24, 2008 -

Earlier this week, House Republicans gathered on the steps of the U.S. Capitol to unveil H.R. 6566, the American Energy Act, a landmark measure to lower gas prices and break our dependence on foreign oil.  Beginning today, House Republicans will demand an up-or-down vote on this “all of the above” energy legislation before Congress adjourns under the Democrat Majority for the August district work period. 
“Our message to Democrat leaders and the American people struggling with record gas prices could not be clearer: House Republicans are demanding an up-or-down vote on the American Energy Act before Congress adjourns under the Democrat Majority for the August district work period. We can no longer keep our country’s rich resources under lock-and-key. Failure to act now will continue to drive up energy prices. Therefore, I challenge the Democrats to follow President Bush’s lead and lift the ban on off-shore drilling. This must be done before Congress leaves for August district work period. It would be a travesty to leave town and allow this crisis to continue when we have a viable plan to produce more American energy supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans.” – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
Successful action must include a three-pronged approach:
  • Producing new American energy
  • Promoting more conservation and efficiency
  • Encouraging the use of more alternative fuels
  • To increase the supply of American-made energy in environmentally sound ways, the American Energy Act will open our deep sea resources, ANWR, and oil shale resources. Together, this will provide an additional six million barrels of oil per day.
    In addition, to improve energy conservation and efficiency, the legislation will provide tax incentives for businesses and families that purchase more fuel efficient vehicles. The bill also offers tax incentives for businesses and homeowners who improve their energy efficiency.
    Finally, to promote renewable and alternative energy technologies, the legislation creates a renewable energy trust fund using revenues generated by exploration in the deep ocean and on the Arctic coastal plain. Additionally, the bill would spur the development of alternative fuels through government contracting by repealing the “Section 526” prohibition on government purchasing of alternative energy and promoting coal-to-liquids technology.


    Click here for more information on the American Energy Act.