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Club for Growth Honors Lamborn with Annual Defender of Economic Freedom Award

Congressman Lamborn was 1 of 3 U.S. Representatives to receive a perfect score based on support for economic growth issues in Congress and Colorado


Washington, Jul 24, 2008 -

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) received the annual “Defender of Economic Freedom Award” from the Club for Growth.  The award is based on key votes tracked by the Club for Growth on a congressional scorecard.  Congressman Lamborn received a perfect score of 100, indicating he voted with the highest support for pro-growth policies.

The only Freshman Member of Congress with a perfect score, Congressman Lamborn made the following statement upon his receipt of the award:

"I am especially honored and proud to be recognized by the Club for Growth for my consistent pro-economic growth voting record.  As the voice of the Fifth Congressional District in Colorado, I am dedicated to protecting economic liberty, lowering taxes and reducing wasteful government spending. Through legislative actions, I will continue to fight for economic freedom and free-market principles. By making the Bush tax cuts permanent, repealing the death tax, reforming Social Security with personal retirement accounts, expanding free trade and replacing the current tax code we can reach the immediate pro-economic growth policy goals the Club for Growth stands for.” –Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

Pat Toomey, President of The Club for Growth, the nation’s leading free-market advocacy organization with over 40,000 members offered the following statement regarding Congressman Lamborn:

"With his score of 100, Congressman Lamborn is a champion of the pro-growth agenda. As 1 of 55 congressional members to earn this award, Congressman Lamborn demonstrates a strong commitment to economic freedom and free-market principles. The scorecard is an important tool in providing the general public the opportunity to see how their representative voted.  These bills promote economic growth and create more jobs for all Americans. We hope that in each year to come, support for commonsense, economic principles will continue to grow, allowing more members to earn this award and more Americans to benefit.”—Pat Toomey, President of the Club for Growth

Club for Growth consists of thousands of Americans that network nationally and are firm believers in opportunity and prosperity through economic freedom. Working to promote public policies through legislative involvement issue advocacy and research, the Club for Growth promotes economic development.
