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Congressman Lamborn calls on “drill nothing” Congress to Vote on Energy Bill


One Minue on Energy

Congressman Lamborn at NREL

Congressman Lamborn and Mrs. Lamborn

Congressman Lamborn, Leader Boehner and other GOP Members

Related Documents

GOP Energy Plan

Declaration of Energy Independence

Lamborn on Producing More American Energy

Washington, Jul 29, 2008 -

Today Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) called on Congress to delay the August district work period until Members vote on a comprehensive energy bill to reduce gas prices for America’s families.
“Members vote this week on adjourning for August district work period. It is unacceptable for Members of Congress to go home without taking a single vote on a comprehensive energy bill. All year gas prices have soared as a result of misguided Washington policies. Colorado families and small businesses know we will never return to the days of $2 or even $3 per gallon gasoline until the Democrat Majority signals real support for American-made energy to lower gas prices.
“Throughout the summer, Republicans have asked for a vote on an “all of the above” energy strategy built on increased exploration, conservation, and innovation – the reforms Americans overwhelmingly support in poll after poll.
“Typically a vote to adjourn is cast without a second thought. But this week, that vote could mean much, much more. A vote to adjourn without increasing production of American energy supplies will be a vote against the American people and a vote against American energy independence.
“This 'drill-nothing' Congress must cut the rhetoric and g