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A Christmas Message from the Lamborn Family

Washington, Dec 21, 2008 -

This Christmas season, Jeanie and I send you and your family our warmest wishes. 

At Christmas we  celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We rejoice in his birth and his mission to save us from sin. During this season of hope and joy, we thank God for the blessings he has bestowed upon our nation.  Even in times of difficulty, we are thankful for the freedom and liberty we enjoy.

We  recognize the devastating impact of these tough times – many families are losing their savings, their jobs and their homes.  You are in our prayers. However, some of life’s greatest lessons are learned in adversity. The Pope recently said “the world crisis that is affecting so many families and all of humanity could be the stimulus for rediscovering the warmth, simplicity, amity and solidarity which are the very values of Christmas. Stripped of its materialistic and consumer trappings, Christmas offers a chance to welcome as a personal gift the message of hope that emanates from the mystery of Christ’s birth.”

Among the many families that call the Fifth Congressional District home, we admire the military families who serve our nation and community. We offer them our deep gratitude, especially those families who are separated.  We look on your service with pride as you keep our nation safe from harm.  Jeanie and I continually pray for your safety.   

As we not only celebrate Christmas, but look forward to a new year, I am hopeful for the direction of our nation.  We have many challenges, but, together, we can come together and go into 2009 with the remembrance of our many blessings. 

From our family to yours, have a very merry Christmas and God bless.