Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. Seminar Detail

    Simulating groundwater radiolysis with oxidation of pyrite by hydrogen peroxide solution

    Simulating groundwater radiolysis with oxidation of pyrite by hydrogen peroxide solution

    Presenter: Liliana Lefticariu ()

    August 8, 2005 01:00 PM Pacific

    Radiolytic dissociation of water produces oxidizing (e.g., H2O2, OH·, and
    O2) and reducing (e.g., H atoms and H2) species. In natural environments,
    radiolytically generated oxidants can react with sulfide minerals (e.g.,
    pyrite) and can provide local sources of partially to fully oxidized sulfur
    species suitable for microbial metabolism.

    In this study, we investigate the reaction of pyrite with millimolar
    solutions of H2O2 at temperatures from 4 to 150ºC. Results show that
    radiolytically produced oxidants could efficiently oxidize pyrite in an
    otherwise oxygen-limited environment. The rate of pyrite oxidation increases
    with increasing peroxide concentration, pyrite surface area, and

    In natural groundwater environments where radiolysis occurs, coupled abiotic
    and biotic reactions could complicate the products of radiation-induced
    chemical reactions. Radiolytic pyrite oxidation can buffer oxygen
    production, maintain anaerobic conditions, and supply partially to fully
    oxidized sulfur species for microbial reduction or disproportionation.

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