Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. Seminar Detail

    How to make a leaf?  400 million years of repeated answers to the<br />
same evolutionary question

    How to make a leaf? 400 million years of repeated answers to the
    same evolutionary question

    Presenter: Kevin Boyce ()

    July 14, 2003 12:00 AM Pacific

    The chance to compare multiple repetitions of evolutionary history is
    at the heart of astrobiology, but opportunities for such evolutionary
    comparisons are already available here on earth. Plants are particularly
    attractive for such study: nearly all aspects of land plant form--including
    roots, leaves, wood, and reproductive structures--have evolved a number of
    times independently and details of plant construction allow the preservation
    in fossils of an unusual wealth of biochemical, physiological, and
    developmental information.

    Leaves have evolved independently in a number of different plant groups
    and several basic leaf morphologies have appeared again and again among
    fossil and extant lineages. Comparative investigation of living plants has
    demonstrated that this morphological convergence has required the convergent
    evolution of developmental processes as well. Furthermore, these recurring
    morphological and developmental alternatives also appear to represent
    physiological alternatives. Opposing strategies are employed in the
    different leaf types to ensure an even supply of water to the entire
    photosynthetic surface and exploitation of these physiological alternatives
    has involved the correlated evolution of changes in anatomy, hydraulic
    resistance properties, transport regulation capabilities, and vascular cell
    wall chemistry. Therefore, the basic types that can be recognized in fossil
    and extant plants represent highly integrated developmental, biochemical,
    and physiological syndromes that have evolved repeatedly after divergence
    from an extremely simple, leafless common ancestor.

    However, nature is also capable of sports that are completely alien to
    our expectations. For example, the Devonian-age organism Prototaxites
    produced enormous tree-like trunks composed of intertwined, 50 micron-
    diameter tubes. This bizarre organism has defied classification for the 150
    years since its discovery, but geochemical studies now suggest its
    biological affinities are with the fungi. Both of these evolutionary
    extremes, convergence and novelty, will be discussed.

    Participation Instructions