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Drink Alcohol Only in Moderation

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Try to limit your drinking to no more than:

  • One drink a day for women
  • Two drinks a day for men

Keep track of your drinking.
First, set a drinking limit. For example, you may decide to have no more than 3 drinks per week.

  • Step 1: Write down your drinking limit on a piece of paper.
  • Step 2: Keep track of your drinking. Write down every time you have a drink for one week. Use a diary like this one or make your own.

Take a day off from drinking.
Choose a day each week (for example, Tuesday) when you will not drink.

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Start Today: Small Steps
  • Decide not to have a drink today.
  • Take a walk instead of having a drink.
  • Set a drinking limit and write it down.

Learn how drinking may affect your blood pressure and risk for heart disease.

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