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Brief Summary


Dry eye syndrome.


  • American Academy of Ophthalmology Cornea/External Disease Panel, Preferred Practice Patterns Committee. Dry eye syndrome. San Francisco (CA): American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO); 2008. 28 p. [99 references]


This is the current release of the guideline.

This guideline updates a previous version: American Academy of Ophthalmology Cornea/External Disease Panel, Preferred Practice Patterns Committee. Dry eye syndrome. San Francisco (CA): American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO); 2003. 21 p.

All Preferred Practice Patterns are reviewed by their parent panel annually or earlier if developments warrant and updated accordingly. To ensure that all Preferred Practice Patterns are current, each is valid for 5 years from the "approved by" date unless superseded by a revision.



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The ratings of importance to the care process (A-C) and the ratings of strength of evidence (I-III) are defined at the end of the "Major Recommendations" field.


The initial evaluation of a patient who presents with symptoms suggestive of dry eye should include those features of the comprehensive adult medical eye evaluation relevant to dry eye (American Academy of Ophthalmology Preferred Practice Patterns Committee, 2005). [A:III]

Patient History

  • Symptoms and signs [A:III]
  • Exacerbating conditions [B:III]
  • Duration of symptoms [A:III]
  • Topical medications used, their frequency, and their effect on symptoms [A:III]
  • Contact lens wear, schedule, and care [A:III]
  • Allergic conjunctivitis [B:III]
  • Ocular surgical history [A:III]
  • Ocular surface disease [A:III]
  • Punctal surgery [A:III]
  • Eyelid surgery [A:III]
  • Bell palsy [A:III]
  • Smoking or exposure to second-hand smoke [A:III]
  • Dermatological diseases [A:III]
  • Technique and frequency of facial washing including eyelid and eyelash hygiene [A:III]
  • Atopy [A:III]
  • Menopause [A:III]
  • Systemic inflammatory diseases [A:III]
  • Other systemic conditions [A:III]
  • Systemic medications [A:III]
  • Trauma [B:III]
  • Chronic viral infections [B:III]
  • Nonocular surgery [B:III]
  • Radiation of orbit [B:III]
  • Neurological conditions [B:III]
  • Dry mouth, dental cavities, oral ulcers [B:III]


The physical examination includes a visual acuity measurement, [A:III] an external examination, [A:III] and slit-lamp biomicroscopy. [A:III]

The external examination should pay particular attention to the following:

  • Skin [A:III]
  • Eyelids [A:III]
  • Adnexa [A:III]
  • Proptosis [B:III]
  • Cranial nerve function [A:III]
  • Hands [B:III]

The slit-lamp biomicroscopy should focus on the following:

  • Tear film [A:III]
  • Eyelashes [A:III]
  • Anterior and posterior eyelid margins [A:III]
  • Puncta [A:III]
  • Conjunctiva
    • Inferior fornix and tarsal conjunctiva [A:III]
    • Bulbar conjunctiva [A:III]
  • Cornea [A:III]

Diagnostic Tests

Corneal sensation should be assessed when trigeminal nerve dysfunction is suspected (Heigle & Pflugfelder, 1996). [A:III] A laboratory and clinical evaluation for autoimmune disorders should be considered for patients with significant dry eyes, other signs and symptoms of an autoimmune disorder (e.g., dry mouth), or a family history of an autoimmune disorder. [A:III]


Specific treatment recommendations depend on the severity and source of the dry eye. The sequence and combination of therapies should be determined on the basis of the patient's needs and preferences and the treating ophthalmologist's medical judgment. [A:III] The table below lists treatments for dry eye syndrome based on the severity level of the disease. Specific therapies may be chosen from any category regardless of the level of disease severity, depending on physician experience and patient preference.

Treatment Recommendations for Dry Eye Syndrome by Disease Severity Level*

  • Education and environmental modifications [A:III]
  • Elimination of offending topical or systemic medications [A:III]
  • Aqueous enhancement using artificial tear substitutes, gels/ointments [A:III]
  • Eyelid therapy (warm compresses and eyelid hygiene) [A:III]
  • Treatment of contributing ocular factors such as blepharitis or meibomianitis [A:III] (see the National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) summary of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) guideline Blepharitis)
Moderate In addition to above treatments:
  • Anti-inflammatory agents (topical cyclosporine [U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2003; Sall et al., 2000] [A:I] and corticosteroids [Pflugfelder et al., 2004; Marsh & Pflugfelder, 1999; Prabhasawat & Tseng, 1998; Sainz De La Maza Serra, Simon Castellvi, & Kabbani, 2000], [A:II] systemic omega-3 fatty acids supplements [Creuzot et al., 2006; Miljanovic et al., 2005]) [A:II]
  • Punctal plugs [A:III]
  • Spectacle side shields and moisture chambers [A:III]
Severe In addition to above treatments:
  • Systemic cholinergic agonists (Vivino et al., 1999; Petrone et al., 2002; Nelson et al., 1998) [A:I]
  • Systemic anti-inflammatory agents [A:III]
  • Mucolytic agents [A:III]
  • Autologous serum tears (Tsubota et al., 1999; Chiang et al., 2007) [A:III]
  • Contact lenses [A:III]
  • Correction of eyelid abnormalities [A:III]
  • Permanent punctal occlusion [A:III]
  • Tarsorrhaphy [A:III]

*Adapted with permission from Pflugfelder SC (Chair). Management and therapy Subcommittee of the International Dry Eye Workshop. Management and therapy of dry eye disease: report of the management and therapy Subcommittee of the International Dry Eye Workshop (2007). Occul Surf 2007;5:174.


The frequency and extent of the follow-up evaluation will depend on the severity of disease, the therapeutic approach, and response to the therapy. For example, patients with sterile corneal ulceration associated with dry eye may require daily follow-up. [A:III]

Provider and Setting

Patients with dry eye who are evaluated by non-ophthalmologist health care providers should be referred promptly to the ophthalmologist if any of the following occurs: [A:III]

  • Visual loss
  • Moderate or severe pain
  • Lack of response to the therapy
  • Corneal infiltration or ulceration


The most important aspects of caring for patients with dry eye are to educate them about the chronic nature of the disease process and to provide specific instructions for therapeutic regimens. It is helpful to reassess periodically the patient's compliance and understanding of the disease, the risks for associated structural changes, and to re-inform the patient as necessary. [A:III] The patient and physician together can establish realistic expectations for effective management.

Patients with pre-existing dry eye should be cautioned that refractive surgery may worsen their dry eye condition. [A:III] Patients who have dry eye and are considering refractive surgery should have the dry eye treated before surgery (American Academy of Ophthalmology Basic and Clinical Science Course Subcommittee, 2008).


Ratings of Importance to Care Process

Level A, defined as most important
Level B, defined as moderately important
Level C, defined as relevant but not critical

Ratings of Strength of Evidence

Level I includes evidence obtained from at least one properly conducted, well-designed randomized, controlled trial. It could include meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials.

Level II includes evidence obtained from the following:

  • Well-designed controlled trials without randomization
  • Well-designed cohort or case-control analytic studies, preferably from more than one center
  • Multiple-time series with or without the intervention

Level III includes evidence obtained from one of the following:

  • Descriptive studies
  • Case reports
  • Reports of expert committees/organization (e.g., Preferred Practice Patterns [PPP] panel consensus with external peer review)


None provided




The type of supporting evidence is identified and graded for most recommendations (see "Major Recommendations" field).



  • American Academy of Ophthalmology Cornea/External Disease Panel, Preferred Practice Patterns Committee. Dry eye syndrome. San Francisco (CA): American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO); 2008. 28 p. [99 references]


Not applicable: The guideline was not adapted from another source.


1998 Sep (revised 2008 Sep)


American Academy of Ophthalmology - Medical Specialty Society


American Academy of Ophthalmology without commercial support


Cornea/External Disease Panel; Preferred Practice Patterns Committee


Members of the Cornea/External Disease Panel: Christopher J. Rapuano, MD, Chair; Robert S. Feder, MD; Matthew R. Jones, MD; Francis S. Mah, MD; Ayman Naseri, MD; Audrey R. Talley-Rostov, MD; Andrew J. Velazquez, MD; Jayne S. Weiss, MD; David C. Musch, PhD, MPH, Methodologist

Members of the Preferred Practice Patterns Committee: Sid Mandelbaum, MD, Chair; Emily Y. Chew, MD; Linda M. Christmann, MD; Douglas E. Gaasterland, MD; Stephen D. McLeod, MD; Samuel Masket, MD; Christopher J. Rapuano, MD; Donald S. Fong, MD, MPH, Methodologist

Academy Staff: Flora C. Lum, MD; Nancy Collins, RN, MPH; Doris Mizuiri


These panel and committee members have disclosed the following financial relationships occurring from January 2007 to October 2008:

Robert S. Feder, MD: Alcon Laboratories, Inc. – Lecture fees

Donald S. Fong, MD, MPH: Merck – Consultant/Advisor

Douglas E. Gaasterland, MD: Inspire Pharmaceuticals – Consultant/Advisor; IRIDEX – Consultant/Advisor, Equity owner, Patents/Royalty

Francis S. Mah, MD: Alcon Laboratories, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor, Lecture fees, Grant support; Allergan, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor, Lecture fees, Grant support; BD Medical - Ophthalmic Systems – Lecture fees; InSite Vision, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor, Lecture fees, Grant support; Inspire Pharmaceuticals, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor, Lecture fees, Grant support; Ista Pharmaceuticals – Consultant/Advisor, Lecture fees, Grant support; Mpex, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor, Grant support; Polymedix, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor, Grant support; Xoma, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor, Grant support

Samuel Masket, MD: Alcon Laboratories, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor, Lecture fees, Grant support; Allergan, Inc. – Lecture fees; Bausch & Lomb, Inc. – Lecture fees; Omeros Pharmaceuticals, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor; Othera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor; PowerVision – Consultant/Advisor; Visiogen, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor

Stephen D. McLeod, MD: Alcon Laboratories, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor, Grant support; InSite Vision, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor, Visiogen, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor, Equity owner, Grant support

David C. Musch, PhD, MPH: Acuity Pharmaceuticals – Consultant/Advisor; AqueSys, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor; Bausch & Lomb, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor; Glaukos Corp. – Consultant/Advisor; IRIDEX – Consultant/Advisor; MacuSight, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor; Midwest EyeBanks – Grant support; National Eye Institute – Grant support; NeoVista, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor; Neurotech USA, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor; OPKO Health, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor; XTL Biopharmaceuticals – Consultant/Advisor

Ayman Naseri, MD: QLT Phototherapeutics, Inc. – Equity owner; SurModics, Inc. – Equity owner

Christopher J. Rapuano, MD: Alcon Laboratories, Inc. – Lecture fees; Allergan, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor, Lecture fees; Inspire Pharmaceuticals – Lecture fees; Ista Pharmaceuticals – Lecture fees; Rapid Pathogen Screening – Equity/owner; Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems AG – Consultant/Advisor

Audrey R. Talley-Rostov, MD: Addition Technology – Consultant/Advisor, Lecture fees; Advanced Medical Optics – Consultant/Advisor, Lecture fees; Allergan, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor, Lecture fees; Visiogen, Inc. – Consultant/Advisor

Jayne S. Weiss, MD: Alcon Laboratories, Inc. – Lecture fees


This is the current release of the guideline.

This guideline updates a previous version: American Academy of Ophthalmology Cornea/External Disease Panel, Preferred Practice Patterns Committee. Dry eye syndrome. San Francisco (CA): American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO); 2003. 21 p.

All Preferred Practice Patterns are reviewed by their parent panel annually or earlier if developments warrant and updated accordingly. To ensure that all Preferred Practice Patterns are current, each is valid for 5 years from the "approved by" date unless superseded by a revision.


Electronic copies: Available from the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) Web site.

Print copies: Available from American Academy of Ophthalmology, P.O. Box 7424, San Francisco, CA 94120-7424; Phone: (415) 561-8540.



None available


This NGC summary was completed by ECRI on February 20, 1999. The information was verified by the guideline developer on April 23, 1999. This summary was updated by ECRI on April 9, 2004. The information was verified by the guideline developer on May 20, 2004. This NGC summary was updated by ECRI Institute on April 22, 2009. The updated information was verified by the guideline developer on May 15, 2009.


This NGC summary is based on the original guideline, which is subject to the guideline developer's copyright restrictions. Information about the content, ordering, and copyright permissions can be obtained by calling the American Academy of Ophthalmology at (415) 561-8500.



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