Congressman Scott Garrett Proudly Serving the 5th District Of New Jersey

Press Release

Contact: Will Holley (202) 225-4465

Congressman Garrett Seeks Funding for Paramus Vets Home
Request Supported by Every New Jersey Congressman

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Washington, Apr 19, 2007 -  

Congressman Garrett has urged Jim Nicholson, U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs, to make funding for the expansion of the Veterans Memorial Home in Paramus a high priority this year. Congressman Garrett’s letter was signed by every New Jersey Congressman.

The expansion of the day room at the Veterans Home is the facility’s highest priority and is essential to the quality of life of the veterans who live there. In past years, the State of New Jersey has demonstrated its financial commitment to the expansion, and Congressman Garrett, with the support of the bipartisan Congressional delegation, is working to ensure that the state is committed to the project again this year.

At Congressman Garrett’s request last year, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs funded the replacement of the fire alarms at the Paramus Veterans Home and personally toured the facility.

Congressman Garrett said, “The Veterans Memorial Home in Paramus is an essential part of the lives of veterans all across North Jersey and we have an obligation to ensure that it is the finest facility that it can be. The expansion of the dayroom is critical to the quality of life of the veterans who make this their home. They served our country honorably in uniform, and I am proud to lead the charge to ensure that their priority is also our priority. This is a cause that stretches across party lines, and I am pleased that every single member of New Jersey’s Congressional Delegation is supporting my request.”

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