Congressman Scott Garrett Proudly Serving the 5th District Of New Jersey

Press Release

Contact: Mary MacLean (202) 225-4465

Garrett Urges Speaker to Stop Playing Politics with Veterans Funding

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Washington, Oct 23, 2007 -  Today, U.S. Representative Scott Garrett made the following statement about the Democrat Majority’s inability to complete the veterans affairs/military quality of life appropriations bill for the fiscal year that began on October 1st:

“As we approach Veterans Day, I am horrified by the majority's conscious strategy to delay bringing the veteran’s affairs/military quality of life appropriations bill to the House floor because they want to play politics with the health, safety, and well-being of our troops.”

“In September, several of my colleagues and I sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi urging her to remember our nation’s military by reaching a prompt agreement on the conference report of the VA-military quality of life appropriations bill. We received no response from her. And once again, our servicemen and women and veterans will be paying the price for Congress' lack of leadership and disrespect for their hard work and sacrifices.”

“Our servicemen and women sacrifice their lives on a daily basis to ensure that our personal freedoms are protected, and what do they get from the majority party but a slap in the face.”

“And, quite frankly, they are not the only ones at the receiving end of that slap. The continuing resolution will soon expire. November 16th is just around the corner. It is a shame that our new majority leadership has failed to accomplish passage of even a single appropriations bill so far.”

During House consideration of the funding bill for veterans programs, Garrett offered an amendment to increase funding for state veterans homes, like the one in Paramus that houses more than 300 aging veterans and spouses, by $10 million. The amendment, which was opposed during debate by the Democrat Appropriation Subcommittee Chairman, was narrowly defeated by a vote of 206-211. Garrett, honored as Outstanding Federal Legislator for the NJ VFW earlier this year, continues to advocate for improved services and programs for veterans


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