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Hall Questions Flight 1549 Crew, Calls for Life Jackets Onboard all Airplanes
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Washington, DC - U.S. Rep. John Hall (D-NY19), as a result of testimony he elicited today from Captain Chesley Sullenberger, the hero of the emergency Hudson River water landing, announced today that he will be introducing legislation calling for all planes to carry life jackets onboard. Under current federal law, planes that do not fly over oceans are only required to have floating cushions. They are not required to carry life jackets or separate life preservers on board.
During a hearing today on the US Airways Flight 1549 accident held by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Aviation, Congressman John Hall praised Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger for his heroism and asked Captain Sullenberger if he would recommend any new measures to make air travel safer. Captain Sullenberger replied that every plane should be equipped with life jackets, not just those that happen to travel over oceans.
"Flight 1549 could very well have been on a plane that didn't have life jacket," said Congressman Hall. "If Flight 1549 didn't happen to be using a plane that also travels overseas, those 155 people would have been stranded in the frigid Hudson without life jackets. The current policy is dangerous, unacceptable and jeopardizes the safety of all air travelers."
Congressman Hall said that he would be introducing legislation later this week to amend current law to require all planes carry designated life preservers.