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  Tax, Budget and Government Reform  

U.S. capitol buildingEstablishing fiscal responsibility in our federal government is one of the most pressing issues that we face, and it remains one of my top priorities. I believe that hard-working Americans continue to be overtaxed, and to address this situation, we need to enact more tax relief and measures of government reform and accountability. In so doing, we help ensure that the growth of the federal government is restrained, returning more power to the people at the local level.


If you feel overwhelmed by the complexity of the Internal Revenue Code, or feel like the government takes too much of your money, you will be interested in my proposal to create an alternative tax system, under which tax filers can choose to file their taxes in lieu of filing under the existing tax code. I have introduced legislation that would create an optional, simple system with low rates that is family-friendly and will foster economic growth.

black arrow Op-Ed by Senator Brownback - Tax Reform (2/26/2008)
black arrow Bill S.2518

capitol buildingI have introduced legislation that provides a real mechanism to address bureaucratic waste, fraud, and abuse. This legislation—the Commission on the Accountability and Review of Federal Agencies (CARFA) Act (S.1935) has 24 Senate cosponsors.  Read More

a mother with her kids filling out a tax formIt is time for us to acknowledge the sacrifices that parents make to invest in the upbringing of their children when they stay at home. Such recognition is the goal of the Parents' Tax Relief Act (S.816), which I have introduced in the Senate.  Read More

a calculator and pencil on top of a tax formToday's tax code is confusing, complex, and overly burdensome. In 2006 alone, $203 billion were spent just on preparing taxes; and increases in the tax law's complexity have added roughly 1 billion hours in annual paperwork over just the last 10 years. It is time for a new Federal tax system.  Read More

social security cardsI am committed to the principle that in working to reform Social Security, we must ensure that no benefits will be lost by either current retirees or those who are soon to retire. I am equally committed to fixing Social Security.  Read More

a tax formSince I was first elected to Congress in 1994, one of my top priorities has been lowering federal taxes. I firmly believe that hard-working taxpayers know how to spend their money much better than bureaucrats in Washington.  Read More


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