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Grant Assistance

A federal grant is an award of financial assistance from a federal agency to a recipient to carry out a public purpose of support or stimulation authorized by a law of the United States. Thousands of federal programs are available to assist state and local governments, nonprofit social service groups, and community based organizations. This assistance takes many forms, including direct funding, low-interest loans, surplus property, technical advice and assistance, and resources. Individuals needing help with personal financial obligations are not eligible, although small business owners may seek some forms of assistance.

My office is happy to provide appropriate assistance in helping east Texans apply for funding opportunities. In many cases, I am able to provide a letter of support for organizations and entities in supplement to their federal grant application. Organizations and communities interested in a letter of support may contact my Washington, D.C. office. Please submit your requests well in advance of the application deadline so that we may have enough time to properly meet your requests.

Search for a Grant
There are several resources online to assist you in finding federal grants. Although my office is unable to draft or review individual grant application, many of the sites listed below provide valuable information on how to write a strong application. -
This is the primary government online portal for active federal grants. It lists nearly all competitive federal grant programs that are currently soliciting applications. It has a very flexible search engine, and grant seekers can peruse available grants by subject category, agency, date, eligible applicants, funding type, and keywords.You may also sign up to receive a variety of targeted email notifications of upcoming grant opportunities here.

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance -
The Catalog (CFDA) describes some 1,500 federal domestic assistance programs administered by the departments and agencies of the federal government. It is the definitive source of information about all federal grant programs, although most will not be seeking applicants at any given time. For each program listed, the Catalog defines objectives of the program, eligibility requirements, the application and award process, post-award requirements, program accomplishments, and examples of funded projects. Information contacts, including regional or local offices of federal agencies, are also included when applicable. Grant seekers may search the Catalog by keyword, functional area, beneficiary group, eligible applicants, program title, or agency.

Homeland Security Grants and Training -
This site simplifies access to homeland security and public safety grants information offered by various federal agencies. Critical state and local operations supported through these grants include the preparedness of first responders and citizens, public health, infrastructure security, and other public safety activities. A popular program for municipal and volunteer fire departments is the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program.

Federal Disaster Assistance -
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster assistance falls into three general categories: Individual and Households; Public Assistance for emergency services and repair of damaged public facilities; and Hazard Mitigation funding to reduce future losses to public and private property.

Centers for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives -
Many departments operate programs to serve Americans in need for which faithbased and community organizations may apply. Good starting points for such organizations include Guidance to Faith-Based and Community Organizations  and Federal Funds for Organizations That Help Those in Need. Many are "formula grants" made available to State and local governments, which in turn award grants to grassroot and local organizations. To apply, contact local and State agencies responsible for managing these programs.

Developing and Writing Grant Proposals -
This site provides an excellent introduction on how to draft a strong application for a federal grant, including initial proposal development, basic components of a proposal, review recommendations, and referral to Federal guidelines and literature.

The Foundation Center -
This is a gateway to information about private funding sources (including national, State, community, and corporate foundations), addresses of State libraries with grants reference collections, and links to other useful Internet websites. The Center maintains a comprehensive database on foundations; produces print, Web, and CD-ROM directories and guides; conducts research and publishes studies in the field; and offers a variety of training and educational seminars.