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Financial Privacy
Safeguards Rule: Education & Guidance

Protecting Personal Information: A Guide for Business
Practical tips for business on creating and implementing a plan for safeguarding personal information.

Disposing of Consumer Report Information? New Rule Tells How
Informs covered businesses of their responsibilities under the FTC’s Consumer Report Disposal Rule.

Financial Institutions and Customer Data: Complying with the Safeguards Rule
Explains the scope of the FTC’s Safeguards Rule, which requires financial institutions to protect the consumer information they collect, and offers tips for compliance.

Information Compromise and the Risk of Identity Theft: Guidance for Your Business
Provides general guidance for an organization that has experienced an information compromise.

New ‘Red Flag’ Requirements for Financial Institutions and Creditors Will Help Fight Identity Theft
Learn about regulations (the Red Flags Rules) requiring financial institutions and creditors to develop and implement written identity theft prevention programs.

Security Check: Reducing Risks to Your Computer Systems
Describes basic steps for businesses' information security planning and provides links to resources to help prioritize among vulnerabilities.

How to Comply with the Privacy of Consumer Financial Information Rule of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
A Guide for Small Business (July 2002) explaining the scope of the FTC’s Privacy of Consumer Financial Information Rule and the obligations of businesses under the Rule.

See also Business Guidance and Consumer Education on the Privacy Rule.

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