Jim DeMint
U.S. Senator, South Carolina
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Dear Students of South Carolina:

I would like to tell you about my dreams for the children in South Carolina and all across America. I believe that God’s greatest gift to America is freedom: the right to make your own decisions about your life and to control your own future.

My hope is that all children in America will develop the capabilities to live and succeed in our free society. This means that children must get a good education and have lots of opportunities for good jobs.

I believe that the laws and the government programs that we create in Washington should empower people, not the politicians that create them. I want children and their parents to have lots of schools to choose from so that all children can find a school where they can learn the best. I want all children to grow up and have the money they need to buy their very own house and car. I want every child to grow up and have many choices of good jobs.

Everyone in Congress wants to help children accomplish these goals, but sometimes we argue about what is the best way to help. Some people think that the government should always do more, but if the government tries to help too much, it ends up making people helpless. I believe that the government should do more to help people learn how to help themselves, because helpless people can’t be free.

For example, if your mother always cleans up your room for you, you’ll never learn to do it yourself. If you don’t learn how to help around the house, you won’t know how to take care of your own house some day. If you don’t learn to work for your allowance, you won’t learn the value of hard work.

Freedom is like that too: you have to learn how to make good decisions that will help you and those around you or you will lose it. Freedom is something that many brave Americans, from George Washington; to Abraham Lincoln; to Martin Luther King, Jr.; to our brave men and women serving in our military have fought to give to each of us.

That is why it is so important to me that you grow up strong and free and become the best that you can be. And I promise to work hard as one of your United States Senators from South Carolina to make sure that you do.

Thank you for allowing me to express my dreams for the children of South Carolina. I hope that you and your friends do well in your studies, and always remember to be thankful for our freedom!

Best Wishes,

Jim DeMint
United States Senator

Kid's Links! :
The Federal Bureau of Investigation website for kids
FBI website for kids 6th -12 grade
The Federal Bureau of Investigation website for kids
FBI resources for kids K-5th grade
The Department of Justice kid page
The Central Intelligence Agency website for kids
CIA resources for kids K-5th grade
NASA website for kids
National Geographic for Kids
A fun place to see things from around the world

Office Locations
112 Custom House
200 East Bay St
Charleston, SC 29401
P: 843-727-4525
F: 843-722-4923
1901 Main St
Suite 1475
Columbia, SC 29201
P: 803-771-6112
F: 803-771-6455
105 North Spring St
Suite 109
Greenville, SC 29601
P: 864-233-5366
F: 864-271-8901
Washington, D.C.
340 Russell
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
P: 202-224-6121
F: 202-228-5143
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