



Carter + Castro = BFF

August 16th, 2006 by Spokesbloggette

Der Spiegel has an interview with former President Jimmy Carter that contains some golden nuggets such as:

SPIEGEL: You also mentioned the hatred for the United States throughout the Arab world which has ensued as a result of the invasion of Iraq. Given this circumstance, does it come as any surprise that Washington’s call for democracy in the Middle East has been discredited?

Carter: No, as a matter of fact, the concerns I exposed have gotten even worse now with the United States supporting and encouraging Israel in its unjustified attack on Lebanon.

SPIEGEL: But wasn’t Israel the first to get attacked?

Carter: I don’t think that Israel has any legal or moral justification for their massive bombing of the entire nation of Lebanon.

Carter also has this to say on his friend Castro’s state of health:

SPIEGEL: You’ve written about your meeting with Fidel Castro. He appears seriously ill now and Cuban exiles are partying already in the streets of Miami. You are probably not in the mood to join them.

Carter: No, that’s true. Just because someone is ill I don’t think there should be a celebration of potential death. And my own belief is that Fidel Castro will recover. He is two years younger than I am, so he’s not beyond hope.

Hat tip to K-Lo over at The Corner.

From One Californian To Another

August 15th, 2006 by Spokesblogger

In January 1982, President Reagan stated in his State of the Union address: “Toward those who would export terrorism and subversion in the Caribbean and elsewhere, especially Cuba and Libya, we will act with firmness.”

Lovefest in San Francisco for Fidel

August 15th, 2006 by Spokesblogger

Babalu points us to this disturbing festival “honoring the life of the world’s longest reigning revolutionary leader.”

Krissy Keefer, one of the organizers of the event said this:

“When we asked artists to perform they clamored to the event because in San Francisco Fidel Castro and the Cuban revolution have a big place in peoples hearts in terms of their social activism. They recognize the contributions of the Cuban people and Fidel have made on behalf of all the people of the world.”

If the anti-American movement had a traveling circus, this would be it.