




June 16th, 2009 by Press Staff

On May 14, Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1) voted for a war funding bill that focused on our troops and their ongoing mission in Iraq and Afghanistan when it came before the House.  A month later and after a weekend of backroom negotiations, troop funding was slashed in favor of a bailout of foreign countries, unnecessary non-emergency funding for the Capitol Police, wildfires, a new financial crisis board as well as a new billion-dollar program for cars.

“When a train leaves the station in Washington, there are those who just can’t help themselves from throwing on cargo,” Congressman Kingston said.  “This bill, though, is supposed to be about our troops, emergencies and unanticipated situations.  It’s no surprise we’ve had a financial crisis and it’s no surprise that the domestic auto industry is in trouble.  If these were really priorities, they’d be debated separately but now they’re just being drug through on the backs of our soldiers.”

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JACK ON THE FLOOR - Guantanamo

June 11th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Jack spoke on the House floor today during debate on the Supplemental Appropriations bill in regards to Guantanamo and it’s necessity to our national security.  To view the clip, click below.

Out of touch, again.

June 2nd, 2009 by Press Staff

A little dose of reality comes in today’s USA Today which reports on findings in a new USA Today/Gallup Poll:

By more than 2-1, those surveyed say Guantanamo shouldn’t be closed. By more than 3-1, they oppose moving some of the accused terrorists housed there to prisons in their own states.


Americans were inclined to accept … that the detention center had made the United States safer. By 40%-18%, they said the prison had strengthened national security rather than weakened it.

The question remains: Will President Obama stand by his out-of-touch campaign promises made to sway his left wing base?

In case you missed it, Jack penned this blog post on the subject last month.

To read the full article in today’s USA Today, click here.

JACK ON THE FLOOR - Gitmo Nonsense

May 14th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Jack spoke on the House floor today during debate on the troop funding bill. During the speech, he highlights the failure of Democrats to put in place protections with regard to the release or transfer of the terrorists held at the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay.  To view the speech, click below

Obama’s Campaign Promise Puts Politics Over Security

May 13th, 2009 by Jack

Without a plan or any detail, then-candidate Obama promised to close the terrorist detention facility at Guantanamo Bay. The announcement was heralded by his left-wing base, France, and The View as a break from the evil Bush Administration and a return to America’s greatness.

Just two days after his inauguration, President Obama signed an executive order to close the detention facility and release or transfer the terrorists held there within one year. Again, trumpets roared and the left held hands and sang songs. The problem, however, is that in the more than 1,500 words contained in the executive order, President Obama failed to provide enough guidance for a reasonable plan.

Never a problem to him as the photo-op went well.

Read the rest of this entry »


November 28th, 2008 by Press Staff

Congressman credits surge, courage of Iraqis for landmark agreement for withdrawal of U.S. troops by 2011

After Iraq’s parliament approved a measure that would provide for a structured withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq by 2011, Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1) praised the action as a landmark step towards bringing troops home safely.

“Two years ago, this wouldn’t have been possible,” Congressman Kingston said, “but the success of surge combined with the determination of the Iraqi people has brought us an agreement that will bring our troops home safely.  That this came through the political process rather than through violence is a testament to the great progress we’ve made there.”

The agreement, which came after 11 months of negotiations, provides that Iraq’s army, the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF), will take security responsibilities for all Iraqi cities, villages and localities by June of next year as a first step toward total withdrawal by 2011.  In the intervening time, U.S. troops will provide support as needed.

With the United Nations mandate authorizing the presence of U.S. troops expiring December 31, the agreement now serves as the legal framework governing the presence of Coalition Forces in Iraq.

Another Iraq benchmark

September 26th, 2008 by Press Staff

From today’s Washington Post:

“WHILE WASHINGTON was seized with congressional negotiations over the Wall Street bailout, Iraq’s parliament on Wednesday took another major step toward political stabilization. By a unanimous vote, the national legislature approved a plan for local elections in 14 of 18 provinces by early next year — clearing the way for a new, more representative and more secular wave of politicians to take office.” Full editorial here.

Important information on the legislation:

  • eliminates the party slate system which allowed religious factions to dominate elections
  • secures 25% of seats for women to give them a voice in their government
  • allows Sunni leaders to compete in elections

This is great news for Iraq and is a another sign of the great progress being made there.

Welcome Home!

June 3rd, 2008 by Spokesblogger



(Photo courtesy John Carrington/Savannah Morning News)

Yesterday, Major General Rick Lynch and the Special Troops Batallion of Fort Stewart were greated with a welcome home ceremony.  3rd ID troops were deployed as part of General Petraeu’s surge and did and excellent job.  According to General Lynch:

“We killed or captured 6,000 insurgents,” he said. “We went from 25 attacks a day to less than two … and we turned what was called the ‘Triangle of Death’ into a triangle of life.” (Savannah Morning News, 6/3/08)

The 3rd ID is the pride of Georgia’s First District and we’re all so glad to see them home.  Our thoughts and prayers remain for the safe return of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team and the 4th Brigade who continue their mission in Iraq.

General Lynch also notes the three biggest challenges facing progress in Iraq:

“Lynch said the three biggest threats to success in Iraq remain: Sunni extremists, traditionally affiliated with al-Qaida; Shiite extremists; and Iranian fighters influencing the insurgency.  ‘These are people who for whatever reason, are trying to stop progress in Iraq,’ Lynch said.”

Good news

June 2nd, 2008 by Spokesblogger

Incase you haven’t seen it yet, the Washington Post has an editorial today about the progress being made in Iraq.  A highlight:

“While Washington’s attention has been fixed elsewhere, military analysts have watched with astonishment as the Iraqi government and army have gained control for the first time of the port city of Basra and the sprawling Baghdad neighborhood of Sadr City, routing the Shiite militias that have ruled them for years and sending key militants scurrying to Iran.”

“..[T]he rapidly improving conditions should allow U.S. commanders to make some welcome adjustments – and it ought to mandate an already-overdue rethinking by the ‘this-war-is-lost’ caucus in Washington, including Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.).”

We’re making progress in Iraq and it’s time to stop handicapping our troops with defeatist messages and bickering here at home.

The full editorial can be found here.

Senate Democrats’ bait and switch

May 21st, 2008 by Spokesblogger

In an apparent bait-and-switch late last night, Senate Democrats removed some of their own extraneous domestic projects from the supplemental appropriations bill and set it up for a vote on Thursday.

Today’s CQ Today reports:

“Robert Menendez, D-N.J., invoked Senate Rule 16 on the floor, which requires that provisions in amendments to appropriations bills be relavent to the underlying legislation…”

That move struck provisions including expanded visas for immigrant agricultural workers, expansion of the federal telework program, and the prohibition of the establishment of a monument or protected area in the Gulf of Mexico - all of which have no place in an emergency supplemental appropriations bill.  Sounds good, right?

The article continues:

“Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., subsequently replaced the Appropriations Committee’s amendment with a new version written by leadership which does not include many provisions the committee added”

So, while they cleaned up some of the stuff, expanded veterans’ educational benefits, extension of unemployment insurance, and the delay of new Medicaid rules are all considered worthy of an emergency spending bill as is war policy provisions including a timeline for withdrawal.

As Jack said last week on C-SPAN, these are all things that may merit a debate in regular order.  They are not emergencies and should not be airdropped on the floor.

Last Thursday, House Republicans protested Democrat efforts to tie defeatist policies and a $54 billion tax increase on small businesses to troop funding - a move that will force their hands and require them to come back to the table.

Stay tuned as we’ve got to do something or troops won’t recieve their paychecks come after June.  Hopefully, the Democrats will come to their senses and fund the men and women who protect us every day.

Lewis a clean supplemental to provide troop funding

May 13th, 2008 by Press Staff

Congressman Jerry Lewis, Republican Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee today introduced a clean supplemental that would provide troop funding without all the pork barrell, vote buying provisions Speaker Pelosi intends to include.

Lewis’ release:

Lewis Introduces H.R. 6026 – A Clean Supplemental to Provide Troop Funding

Without Strings and Extraneous Spending

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As part of the continued Republican opposition to the Democrats’ yet-unseen supplemental war funding legislation, today Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-Calif), Ranking Republican on the House Appropriations Committee, introduced a separate war funding bill (H.R. 6026) as an alternative to the Democrats’ catch-all spending proposal*.

Lewis’s bill provides much-needed funding for U.S. servicemen and women, the Department of Defense, and foreign operations overseas. Unlike the Democrats’ legislation – which has yet to be revealed to Members of Congress or the public – Lewis’s bill is “clean” and does not include extraneous spending and war policy provisions.

In addition, the Democrat proposal would tie strings on the troop funding by including unacceptable war policies to overstep our experienced military commanders, politicize our national security, and legislate war strategy. Lewis’s bill contains no such egregious provisions.

“Our troops have been waiting for over a year for Congress to approve the funds they need to do their jobs. However, the Democrat leadership of the House has chosen to reward the service and patience of our men and women in uniform by loading up their funding legislation with unrelated spending and inappropriate war policy provisions,” Lewis said.

“Contrary to the Democrat supplemental legislation, my bill will provide our troops with the resources they need – without expensive add-ons designed to sway votes and provide political cover for anti-war Democrats.” Lewis continued.

Lewis’s bill matches the President’s request and includes $178 billion in total spending for the Department of Defense, State and Foreign operations, and military construction. In comparison, the Democrat proposal contains approximately $250 billion in total spending and includes funds for numerous extraneous programs – such as $51 billion in a new veterans’ entitlement program, $11 billion in unemployment insurance extension, $178 million for federal prisons, and $210 million for the 2010 census.

*Funding levels related Democrat’s supplemental proposal are estimates due to lack of available text.

Empty promises

April 22nd, 2008 by Spokesblogger

The opening paragraph of today’s article in Roll Call sums up the last year of the debate on Iraq:

“A year and a half after voters’ frustrations over the Iraq War carried Democrats to victory in Congress, the last solid opportunity for the party to change the direction of the conflict appears likely to pass with only token attempts to bring it to an end.”

Rather than answer the call of the left-wing groups that swept them into power, Democrats are offering up no real effort to bring the Iraq war to a close.  They’re in the driver’s seat, they hold the power yet all they do is blame Republicans.

The article points out that the last significant debate on Iraq (last February in the Senate) occurred when, “Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) only brought [it] up as a way to assuage anti-war crusader, Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.).”

Perhaps these leaders are finally realizing that we’re making progress in Iraq.  Perhaps they’re realizing that their campaign promises were unrealistic.  In either case, it’s starting to show and one’s got to wonder how they’re going to energize their, “angry, far-left base” this year.

To read the full article, click here.

ICYMI: SMN urges passage of Colombia Free Trade Agreement

April 22nd, 2008 by Spokesblogger

In case you missed it, the Savannah Morning News has a great editorial today about why we Speaker Pelosi should stop blocking the Colombia Free Trade Agreement.  As you may recall, she had to change house rules to prevent a vote on the measure that would level the playing field for American exports into Colombia and help stabilize a crucial ally that can help stem the growing power of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez.

From the editorial:

“SPEAKER OF the House Nancy Pelosi should stop playing politics with a measure that could level the playing field for trade between the United States and Colombia…

“A permanent free trade agreement proposed by President Bush would end that disparity and make American products cheaper to buy in Colombia…

“the Colombian Free Trade Agreement would do more than bolster this complementary trade - it could help stem the tide of anti-American sentiment in this hemisphere. Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, a friend of the U.S., has worked diligently to rein in illegal drugs and government corruption…

“A stable Colombia could then act as a bulwark against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, as well as socialist leaders in Chile, Bolivia and Brazil. What’s more, Republicans are not the only ones calling for free trade with Colombia…”

To read the full article, click here.

For more information on the agreement, check out the U.S. Trade Representative’s website here.

Not just peanuts

April 11th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

Georgia’s own Jimmy Carter is set to meet with the leader of Hamas, Khaled Mashaal.  It’s shocking and sad when someone who once led our great Nation is taking tea time with someone who’s aided and abetted those who’d like to do us harm.Here’s a piece in the Chicago Tribune to give you all the details.�