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Congressman Moran supports a comprehensive approach to fixing our nation's broken immigration system.  He believes a comprehensive plan includes stronger border security, the creation of new worker visa program that provides a path to earned citizenship and that all immigrants to the U.S. are required to learn English so that they can fully participate in our 21st century economy. 

Undocumented immigrants contribute to our society in many ways.  Often they take jobs that others do not want.  Taxes on their wages go into the Social Security system -- yet they receive no benefits.  Undocumented immigrants also represent an expanding consumer base, contributing to our growing economy. 

While some have advocated aggressively pursuing undocumented immigrants for deportation, Congressman Moran believes that physically dislodging and deporting the estimated 14 million undocumented immigrants runs counter to our values as a country, is highly impractical, very costly, perhaps impossible, and could result in a societal rift our country has not seen since the 1960's civil rights movement.

At the same time, Congressman Moran feels that our current immigration situation is unsustainable.  Having little or no control over our borders is a national security concern because we do not know who is coming into our country.  Serious human rights issues are involved because too many die trying to come to America.  Congressman Moran also holds the view that our economy could be stronger if we had a functioning immigration system in place, one in which people could expeditiously receive work permits and visas - thus reducing the incentive for people to go outside of the system to enter our country.

America is and always will be a nation of immigrants.  We have entered the 21st Century, but unfortunately our immigration system is that of another era.  Congressman Moran will continue to advocate for comprehensive, compassionate but tough, reform-minded immigration legislation.


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