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Federal Employees

Northern Virginia is called home by many in the civil service and there is perhaps no stronger advocate for their issues than Congressman Moran. The Congressman believes that the U.S. federal workforce is the greatest civil service in the world, providing critical government support and services for all Americans. Throughout his time in Congress, the Congressman has fought to promote and protect the federal civil service while helping it adapt to the new challenges our government faces in the 21st Century.

As a member of the National Capital Region delegation, Congressman Moran works closely with Congressmen and women from Virginia, D.C. and Maryland to represent the interests of the federal workforce. He understands that for the federal civil service to continue to succeed, it must be able to recruit and retain high quality personnel. Though the private sector will always outpace the public sector in terms of wages and benefits, Congressman Moran has led the charge to make the federal workforce competitive with private employers' compensation packages. Recently, he successfully fought to:

  • Convince the Department of Defense against furloughing civilian employees during the budget standoff in December 2007.
  • Defeat the Bush Administration's effort to impose mandatory quotas on the outsourcing of federal jobs to the private sector.
  • Provide an additional vision and dental care benefit for federal employees that helps defray the rapidly increasing costs of health care;
  • Maintain pay parity between federal civilian and military employees despite the Bush and Clinton Administrations efforts to provide lower federal pay raises;

In the 111th Congress, Representative Moran will continue his strong advocacy on behalf of federal workers, supporting efforts to provide a sick leave benefit that incentivizes federal employees to continue working as they near retirement, restoring the negotiating rights of employees that had been prevented from organizing, working to allow federal employees to use their pre-tax earnings to pay for health insurance premiums, focusing on improving the federal hiring process and restructuring the personnel systems to adequately reward higher performing employees.

Congressman Moran will also reintroduce two key pieces of legislation.  The first is to create a new Public Service Academy, based on the model developed by the military academies. The "Public Service Academy Act" would create a premier institution offering a four-year college education free of charge in return for an equal length of service in the federal government. The institution would be responsible for shaping and molding a new generation of top-notch public servants to lead government.

Second, Congressman Moran will reintroduce the FERS Sick Leave Benefit Act that will provide a benefit for sick leave that federal employees accrue over the course of their careers.  Currently, employees under the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) are offered a “use-it or lose-it” policy as they near retirement.  The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) reports that this system costs the federal government over $68 million in lost productivity each year.  Congressman Moran’s proposal will provide an incentive for keeping sick leave at the end of a career while at the same time improving government efficiency.

Latest News On Federal Employees

May 13, 2008
Treasury Dept. Points to Flaws in Use-or-Lose Sick Leave Policy

April 28, 2008
Federal Employees Able to Use Sick Leave for Volunteer Service under Proposed Legislation

March 10, 2008
Fed Employees Sick Leave Benefit Legislation Introduced

December 19, 2007
Federal Families Need Not Fear Furloughs

December 12, 2007
Budget Options to Delay Furloughing 100,000 Fed Employees Released

December 3, 2007
Federal Employees Happy Holidays Threatened by Administration

May 31, 2007
Moran Introduces Federal Employee FERS Redeposit Legislation


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