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Protecting our natural resources—the environment—is one of Congressman Moran's top priorities. Reflecting his commitment, Congressman Moran consistently receives high marks for his "green" voting record from national environmental organizations including the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters.

Congressman Moran strongly opposes efforts to weaken our environmental laws. Over the past seven years, he has teamed with concerned citizens and advocacy groups to defeat

Dyke Marsh

attempts to enact destructive environmental policies. From repeal of the Forest Service's Roadless Rule to enactment of massive exemptions to the Endangered Species Act, landmark environmental policies and programs have been under constant assault. Congressman Moran has fought against these proposals, which include misguided attempts to allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and efforts by anti-science advocates to disregard the threat of global warming.

In the 111th Congress, Representative Moran holds the position of Vice Chairman of the Interior and Environment Appropriation Subcommittee, which has jurisdiction over the Interior Department, the Forest Service and the Environmental Protection Agency. Through this senior position, Congressman Moran is committed to making conservation the primary mission of our land management agencies, putting increased resources and teeth behind our environmental programs. The Congressman believes that, as stewards of the publics' land, the federal government has a responsibility to ensure they are protected for future generations. Nationally, the Congressman has and will continue to steer millions in federal dollars for the improvement and expansion of federal wildlife refuges and national park lands.

At the local level, Congressman Moran has helped lead efforts to shut down Mirant's Potomac River Power Plant, an outdated coal-fired power plant located in Alexandria which has been cited for repeated violations of Clean Air Act standards. He also helped lead efforts to close the federal prison at Lorton, enacting legislation to set aside more than 2,100 acres for open green space and facilitated a land exchange protecting approximately 800 acres on ecologically sensitive Mason Neck.

An Egret at Dyke Marsh

An outdoor enthusiast, Congressman Moran has been a major supporter of biking, hiking and walking trails throughout Northern Virginia. Through his seat on the powerful Appropriations Committee, Representative Moran has directed federal funds for a host of trail projects, including extending the George Washington Memorial Parkway along the Potomac River and the building of new trails linking together local communities in Arlington, Alexandria and Fairfax County.

The Four Mile Run Project, an effort to restore the watershed separating Arlington and Alexandria, is one of the Congressman's top local priorities. Since the project began, he has appropriated $7.782 million for the project. For more information on local conservation programs, you can visit the following websites:


Four Mile Run Restoration
Mount Vernon Trail
Dyke Marsh
Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail

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