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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
Health Professions
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Public Health

Public Health Training Centers

Funds schools of public health and other programs that provide graduate or specialized training in public health to expand and enhance training opportunities that focus on technical, scientific, managerial and leadership competencies and capabilities of the current and future public health workforce.

Active grant projects

Program details (including application guidance) from most recent competition

Public Health Traineeship

Funds schools of public health and other programs that provide graduate or specialized training in public health to support traineeships that pay tuition, fees, and a living stipend for students in biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental health, toxicology, nutrition, or maternal and child health.

Active grant projects

Program details (including application guidance) from most recent competition

Preventive Medicine Residencies

Funds the planning, development, operation of, or participation (including financial assistance to residents) in approved residency programs in preventive medicine and public health.

Active grant projects

Program details (including application guidance) from most recent competition

Dental Public Health Residency Training

Funds the planning, development, operation of, and participation (including financial assistants to residents) in approved residency programs in dental public health.

Active grant projects

Program details (including application guidance) from most recent competition

Did You Know?
  • The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act includes $500 million for health workforce programs.
  • $200 million is directed to scholarships, loans and loan repayment and support for programs that expand and improve health professions training.
  • $300 million will enable the National Health Service Corps to double its field strength by September 30, 2010