U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator, California
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Services for Californians - Casework

How to . . . Request Casework Assistance

Casework Frequently Asked Question’s (FAQ’s)

Tips for Requesting Casework Assistance

Many Californians contact my office when they have a concern which involves a federal agency. If you would like assistance in dealing with such a matter, please complete a Casework Authorization form or the Immigration Assistance form and mail it to my San Francisco office:

U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein
One Post Street, Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94104
Once your information has been received and processed, you will receive a letter of acknowledgement, along with the name of the assigned staff member.

We cannot accept e-mailed requests.
Please make sure that any written requests for assistance include all of the following information:

  • Name;
  • Mailing address and phone number;
  • Federal agency involved;
  • Specific request for assistance; and
  • Signature of person in need of assistance (required by federal law under the Privacy Act)

If you have a concern which involves a state (rather than federal) agency, you may want to contact the office of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Or if you want to learn more about my position on a pending or enacted law, please send your written request to my Washington, D.C. office.

If you have a concern which involves a federal agency that is not listed below, please fill out the casework form and send it to my San Francisco office.

Constituent Services Staff
As of: 7-1-08
Daniel Chen
Constituent Services Representative
San Francisco

U.S. Military, Army Corps permits, National Guard: CA and DC, TriWest and TriCare Veterans: Benefits, VA Med.  Centers, National Cemeteries
Military Records

Army Corps, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Navy, Coast Guard, National Guard, DOD, Def. Finance and Accounting Service, Dept. of Veterans Affairs, National Personnel Records Center

Martha Flores Director of Constituent Services
San Francisco

Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Visas, I-129s, I-130s (at the Dept. of State), I-730s,  I-601s, Deportations, U.S. Citizens overseas

Department of State, National Visa Center, U.S. Embassies and Consulates, KCC, USCIS Service Centers, NBC, ICE
Morgan Galli
Constituent Service
San Francisco

Federal Workers’ Comp., Private Pension Plans, Telecommunications
Housing/Section 8, Patents/Copyrights, Commerce
FBI: Name check requests

Dept. of Labor, FCC, HUD, Department of Commerce, GSA, RRB, FBI (immigration name checks only)
Jessica Hartzell
Constituent Service
San Francisco

Citizenship, Green Cards, Adjustment of Status, EADs, Int’l Adoptions, I-130s (at USCIS), I-140s, I-360s, Travel Documents, Refugees/Asylum, U.S. Passports

USCIS: District Offices, Service Centers, National Records Center
U.S. Passport Agencies
Mirella Nieto
Constituent Service Representative
San Francisco
Taxes, Customs, Transportation
Banking/ID Theft, Cons/Fraud, Credit Reports, Federal Law Enforcement, Federal Prisons, Workplace Discrimination
Treasury, IRS, Customs
FBI, CIA, Federal DOJ, Federal Bureau Prisons, EEOC
Nicholas Thornton
Constituent Service Representative
San Francisco
Medicare and Medicaid, Social Security, Disasters, Small Business, Federal Employees, Food and Drug Admin. CMS, Social Security, Health & Human Services, FEMA & SBA, OPM, FDA
Rose Johns
Staff Assistant
San Francisco

Postal Service Issues
Local/Legal Referrals
Eagle/Girl Scout Letters

U.S. Postal Service

Joe Leveroni
Staff Assistant
San Francisco

Environment, Indian Affairs
Agriculture, Student Loans, State referrals

Department of the Interior
Department of Education

* Military Nominations** John Murray, SF
* Proclamations, Congratulatory and Condolence letters, Invites** Renee Skolnick, SF

Casework Frequently Asked Question’s (FAQ’s)

Q: The agency has denied my claim/application. Can you help me appeal the decision?

A: While my office can make an inquiry on your behalf about the status of a pending case, or for clarification on the reasons for a denial, it would be inappropriate for me to compel any agency to decide an issue in your favor, or to overturn a decision that is final.  You should first contact the agency for information on your appeal options if your case has been denied.  

Q: Can you help me expedite my claim or application with a Federal agency?

A: Each agency sets criteria for considering expedite requests.  You should first contact the Federal agency/office where your claim or application is being processed directly to determine what is required for the agency to consider expediting your case.  If you have trouble contacting the agency, please send the request, along with the evidence of your need for expedited attention, to my casework staff.  Please refer to the “tips for requesting casework assistance” (below) for more information.  Please call my San Francisco office with any questions. 

Q: Why can’t I request casework for a matter involving an agency under the jurisdiction of the State or County?

A:  As a U.S. Senator, my staff has access to liaison offices for all U.S. Federal agencies.  For assistance with a non-federal agency or department, you should write to your California State Senator, State Assembly person or to the office of the Governor.  The staffers at these offices have more direct access to non-federal agencies and can better review your concerns and respond to your letter. 

Q: Can you help me with my legal case or court hearing? 

A: Senate rules prohibit me and my staff from giving legal advice or intervening in court proceedings.  If you are seeking assistance with a case that involves a lawsuit or that is pending litigation and you need help finding an attorney, please refer to the following organizations: The American Bar Association Correspondence Unit, (312) 988-5522 OR www.LawHelpCalifornia.org for low-income Californians OR the American Immigration Lawyer’s Association, www.aila.org for immigration cases. 

Q: Where can I get information on Federal grants?

If you are seeking assistance with a US Federal grant my office can send you a Federal Grants Guide booklet.  Please contact any one of my five offices with your request.  You can also visit
http://www.grants.gov/ for more information. 

Q: Can you help me with predatory lending or a pending home foreclosure?

A:  My office would be happy to review your situation, but please keep in mind that most private mortgages are not administered by any federal agency.  Please review the “Subprime Mortgage Crisis” page on my web site, or the HUD website for tips on navigating the issue of predatory lending and/or foreclosures.

Q: Why do you need my complete Social Security number?

A: When my staff contact a Federal agency on your behalf, our liaison at that agency will need to verify your identity and retrieve information connected to your case in order to address your concerns.  In most cases, the best way to verify your identity and to look up your case history is with your Social Security number.  For immigration cases, an alien registration number or passport number is preferred.


Tips for Requesting Casework Assistance


It is always recommended that you try to resolve a problem directly with the agency involved before contacting my office.  If you feel the need for casework assistance after contacting the agency yourself, please write to me to the attention of my casework staff in San Francisco.  Please do not submit an e-mail for casework.


Below you will find a few agency specific tips to keep in mind when requesting casework.  Feel free to call my San Francisco office at (415) 393-0707 if you have any questions. 

US Department of Veterans Affairs - http://www.va.gov/

  • In order to contact a VA Regional office regarding benefits, the veteran must already have an active claim pending at the VARO.  If you have not yet filed a claim, you can contact the VA direct for information on how to do so.  
  • Expediting claims for benefits will be considered if the veteran is going to be homeless and has a letter from his landlord with an intent to evict, or if there is an imminent medical emergency. 

US Department of Defense - http://www.dod.gov/

  • My staff does not review requests for recommendations for military service. 
  • The DOD and all branches of the military require signed authorization from the service member in order to release information regarding his/her case.  Please include a signature with your request for casework assistance. 

Internal Revenue Service - http://www.irs.gov/    

  • In order for my office to open an inquiry with the IRS, you must complete a Privacy Release Form.  You must also include your social security number and list the relevant tax years which you are disputing. 

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services - http://www.uscis.gov/

  • All expedite requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and are granted at the discretion of the Director.  The criteria are as follows: Severe financial loss to company or individual, extreme emergent situation, humanitarian situation, nonprofit status of requesting organization in furtherance of the cultural and social interests of the United States, Department of Defense national interest situation, USCIS error, compelling interest of USCIS. 
  • Cases pending an “FBI NAME CHECK”:  The expedite criteria listed above does not apply to cases pending a name check.  My staff will be happy to assist you in following up on the status of your pending name check.  We are very much aware of the delays and inconveniences that result from the FBI name check process, however, please keep in mind that the FBI cannot determine when your name check will be completed.  The USCIS has issued a press release, available on the agency’s website, regarding this process. 

    • My office can contact the agency for a status update after your case has been pending with the FBI for at least one year.  Please submit a completed Immigration Assistance Form.  Be sure to provide your full name (including middle name), date of birth, country of birth, and Alien Registration number (A#).  If you do not know exactly when your case was sent to the FBI, write “I don’t know” on the Immigration Assistance Form.

U.S. Department of Statewww.travel.state.gov

  • If your visa case is pending a “security clearance”, this is not the same as an FBI name check.  You can submit the immigration assistance form for an inquiry on the status of your clearance.  We do not need the beneficiary’s signature, as that person may be residing outside of the U.S.  
  • If you are writing about a denied non-immigrant visa case, please keep in mind that no appeal option exists for such cases.  If the applicant is still interested in visiting the U.S. he/she should be prepared to reapply directly with the Consulate/Embassy.

US Department of Housing and Urban Development
- http://www.hud.gov/

  • Steps you can take to obtain federally subsidized housing: 1. Contact your local housing authority or your nearest housing counseling office.  2. Find out if their Section 8 wait list is open.  If so, fill out an application and make sure to indicate any preferences that are applicable (these vary per Housing Authority) 3. Request a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) subsidized housing booklet.  The HUD website also lists subsidized apartments in your area.  
  • The waitlist for HUD subsidized apartments tends to be much shorter than Section 8 waitlists.  It is recommended that you apply to as many properties as possible and to expand your search to other areas.  This will maximize your chances of finding an opening faster.

Transportation Security Administration
- http://www.tsa.gov/

  • If you believe your name appears in error on a TSA or other government watch list, my office can assist you in making a claim with TSA through the Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (TRIP).  However, please note that TSA does not guarantee that making a TRIP claim will eliminate all future travel difficulties.

Social Security Administration
- http://www.ssa.gov/

  • Please be as clear as possible when outlining your concerns with SSA.  The agency will only be able to address your concerns as they are outlined in your letter to me and/or my staff. 
  • All requests for assistance must include the person’s name, contact information and Social Security number. 
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