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For Immediate Release:
June 26, 2009
Contact: Austin Durrer

Statement on Passage of Historic Clean Energy Climate Bill


Washington, D.C., June 26th – Congressman Jim Moran, Virginia Democrat, issued the following statement regarding House passage of the American Clean Energy and Security (ACES) Act (H.R. 2454), historic legislation that will create clean energy jobs, combat global warming and puts our country on a path to dramatically reducing its dependence on foreign sources of energy.  The bill cleared the House by a narrow 219 – 212 count with a majority of Democrats voting ‘yes’ and Republicans voting ‘no.’

“I support the ACES Act because it creates a regulatory framework that will dramatically reduce global warming pollution, create new, clean energy jobs and, over the long run, dramatically reduce our dependence on foreign fossil fuels.

“The science is clear. Human use of fossil fuels has thrown our planet out of balance, resulting in global warming that threatens the future of humanity. For the past eight years, we had an administration that ignored this grave security threat.  Precious time was lost and the costs to find a solution have increased.

“But today is different.  Today, we have an historic opportunity to put in motion market-based incentives and a regulatory system to develop the most cost effective ways to reduce carbon emissions that will move us away from our reliance on foreign fuels. The net effect will be the creation of new, clean energy jobs, an aggressive plan to combat global warming and enhanced national security.   

“This bill is far from perfect.  I am disappointed with some of the concessions made to the coal industry. ‘Clean coal’ is an oxymoron. The term is a public relations creation devoid of any factual basis. I would have preferred to see tougher mandates to clean up the oldest, dirtiest sources of pollution – older coal-fired power plants, many of which are exempt today from clean air pollution controls.

“Despite this flaw in the bill, at the end of the day, politics is the art of compromise. I recognize that the long term gains from this legislation outweigh the compromises needed to gain enough votes for passage.  

“For the sake of our nation’s energy security, economic future and the protection of our environment in the face of global warming, doing nothing, which is the alternative to passing this legislation, is unacceptable.  This bill represents a new direction for American energy and the environment—a ‘green’ path that leads to a cleaner, greener future for America.”    



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