Reports to Congress

2009 Congressional Budget Justification

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USADF Signs Three Grants To Support Grassroots Groups in Tanzania:

Monies to Expand Buisnesses, Invest in Social Benefits

WASHINGTON - June 8, 2009

WASHINGTON, D.C. – June 8, 2009 – In an effort to reduce poverty and create social benefits, the United States African Development Foundation has signed three grants this spring which will benefit grassroots groups in Tanzania. The grants will benefit the Association of Mango Growers (AMAGRO), Mbingu Organic Cocoa Outgrowers Association (MOCOA), and Uncle Milo’s General Traders Limited (UMGT).

After the grants were signed, USADF President Lloyd Pierson stated, “USADF funds directly support grassroots level groups.  These grants will help create jobs, provide social benefits, and improve the quality of life for thousands.”

AMAGRO currently works with 65 smallholder mango growers across Pwani, Dar es Salaam, and Tanga seeking to produce improved mango seedlings and export quality mangos.   The $98,000 grant will be obligated over 18 months in an effort to increase income among farmers and support social benefits such as education.   USADF funds will assist with training, developing a business plan and production manual, expanding membership, and establishing an on-farm mango demonstration site.  The Association’s goal is to become a producer of international quality mangos at a competitive price within three years.

MOCOA is owned by 652 farmers from Mbingu Village who seek to enhance the well being of the people in their village by producing and exporting certified organic cocoa.   The Association aims to practice responsible farming methods to protect the area around Udzungwa National Park.  The $91,000 grant will be obligated over 18 months to increase the production and exportation of certified organic cocoa to the EU, USA, and other specialized markets.   USADF assistance is designed to help farmers gain access to markets by purchasing machines, obtaining organic certification, and accessing training.  Monies will also help the group overcome barriers to development by supporting school fees and healthcare systems.

UMGT works with 450 smallholder farmers in Dodoma, 68% of whom are women, by purchasing farmers’ sunflower oilseeds to process into sunflower oil and seed cake to sell to domestic and international markets.  The four year, $241,000grant will be obligated in an effort to improve profitability and incomes of farmers, securing a higher quality of life for members.  USADF funds will assist with improving the size and safety of the processing facility, obtaining technical assistance and training, acquiring modern processing equipment, and hiring administration staff.

USADF began programming in Tanzania in 1986.   Tanzania’s current portfolio stands at twenty-seven investment projects totaling more than $4 million.  For more information about the portfolio, please visit the country’s quick source page at

The United States African Development Foundation (USADF) is a United States Government agency dedicated to expanding access to economic opportunity in Africa. Currently USADF operates in 20 African nations.  Over the past 25 years, USADF has funded nearly 1,500 projects representing in excess of $150 million in support of African enterprises and local African communities.  For more information on USADF, its programs and application guidelines, visit



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