FDIC OIG Business Plan Framework (2006-2011)

This image depicts the OIG Business Plan Framework, which consists of the following components:

Vision - We seek to add value to the Corporation and be one of the best OIGs in government.

Mission - The Office of Inspector General promotes the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of FDIC programs and operations, and protects against fraud, waste, and abuse, to assist and augment the FDIC’s contribution to stability and public confidence in the nation’s financial system.

Strategic Goals

  • Supervision - Assist the FDIC to ensure the nation’s banks operate safely and soundly
  • Insurance - Help the FDIC maintain the viability of the insurance funds
  • Consumer Protection - Assist the FDIC to protect consumer rights and ensure community reinvestment
  • Receivership Management - Help ensure that the FDIC is ready to resolve failed banks and effectively manages receiverships
  • FDIC Resources Management - Promote sound governance and effective stewardship of financial, human, IT, and procurement resources
  • OIG Internal Processes - Continuously enhance the OIG’s business and management processes

FY 2006 Performance Goals

  • Ensure the effectiveness of the FDIC’s supervision program
  • Assist efforts to detect and prevent bank secrecy violations, fraud, and financial crimes in FDIC-insured institutions
  • Evaluate corporate programs to identify and manage risks in the banking industry that can cause losses to the funds
  • Assess the management of the deposit insurance funds
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of FDIC programs for protecting consumer privacy
  • Review fair lending and community reinvestment examination programs
  • Strengthen enforcement against misrepresen-tations of deposit insurance coverage
  • Evaluate the FDIC’s plans and systems for managing bank failures
  • Assist the FDIC in recovering financial losses from individuals fraudulently concealing assets
  • Evaluate corporate efforts to fund operations efficiently, effectively, economically
  • Assess human capital strategic initiatives
  • Promote a high return on resource investments and ensure IT and physical security
  • Evaluate corporate contracting efforts
  • Monitor corporate risk management and internal control efforts
  • Enhance strategic and annual planning and performance measurement
  • Strengthen human capital management
  • Ensure quality and efficiency of OIG audits, evaluations, & investigations
  • Foster good client, stakeholder, & staff relationships
  • Invest in cost-effective, secure IT
