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Environment and Energy

Congressman Steny Hoyer strongly supports environmental standards that keep our land, air and water clean. He has supported every major environmental bill since he was elected to Congress, and received a score of 100 percent on the most recent League of Conservation Voters scorecard. As a senior member of the powerful Appropriations Committee, Congressman Hoyer has secured millions of federal dollars to clean up the Chesapeake Bay and the Patuxent, Potomac, Anacostia, and St. Mary's Rivers, and to replenish the oyster population of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.

Rep. Hoyer has also worked to protect our parks and open green space by securing federal funds to add 8,000 acres to the Patuxent Wildlife Refuge, to expand Piscataway Park, which protects parklands along the Maryland shore, and helped acquire 6,000 acres in Charles County for the Douglas Point Project.


Do you believe that states should be allowed to set their own automobile emissions standards?

Yes, but there should also be federal minimum standards.
Yes, automobile emissions standards should be set by the individual states alone.
No, there should only be a single federal standard for automobile emissions.
No, there should not be any automobile emissions standards at all.
Not sure.

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Related Documents

[thumbnail]Friday, June 26, 2009
Speech on American Clean Energy and Security Act on House Floor

Mark this day, June 26, 2009. My colleagues we have an opportunity to serve in a historic session of the Congress of the United States. We have an opportunity to take action that will make a major difference in the security and independence and environment of our globe as well as our country. We have been given the privilege by our fellow citizens to serve in a time of historic change and meeting challenges that were the subject of this past presidential campaign.

[thumbnail]Friday, June 26, 2009
Energy Independence and National Security Talks on Bloomberg

We think this is a critically important, historic day to move on some very critically important issues. One is our national security. We cannot continue to be held hostage to those from abroad who are supplying us with an overwhelming percentage of our energy needs. We also have to meet the global warming crisis that confronts us for these two issues are critical. This bill is a step, an important step, to meet these two challenges...

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Looking For More?

We have 128 press releases, 37 multimedia clips, 35 articles and 22 opeds on Environment and Energy in our newsroom, for a total of 222 documents. Visit the newsroom to find out more on Steny's views on Environment and Energy

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