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Office of the Chief Information Officer

Request Services

Distribution Services
To request distribution services, please call (202) 586-2227.

Keys & Locks for All Offices in the Forrestal and Germantown Buildings
Use requisition form, DOE F 4250.2 (pdf) , for requesting Keys and Locks Services.  This form is to be submitted by the Administrative Officer for the group.  This form, once filled in, can be either e-mailed to:
for Forrestal: FOR Fac Ops Helpdesk
for Germantown: GTN Facilities
or the printed form may be submitted to Room 1G-079 in Forrestal or Room E-076 in Germantown.

For additional information:
Forrestal (202) 586-6100
Germantown (301) 903-7050

Operations & Maintenance
      •  Heating and air-conditioning maintenance
      •  Trash pickup and office cleaning
      •  Electrical maintenance
      •  Installation of items such as artwork, visual boards, clocks, etc. 
      •  Minor office construction 
      •  Recycling
      •  Grounds and elevators maintenance

Use requisition form, DOE F 4250.2 (pdf) , for requesting Operations and Maintenance Services.  This form is to be submitted by the Administrative Officer for the group.  This form, once filled in, can be either e-mailed to:
         for Forrestal all services: FOR Fac Ops Helpdesk
         for Germantown:
               •  Heating and A/C maintenance, trash pickup and office cleaning, electrical maintenance,
                   recycling, and grounds and elevators maintenance: GTN Fac Ops Helpdesk
               •  Installation of items such as artwork, visual boards, clocks, etc.,
                   and minor office construction: GTN Facilities
Or the printed form may be submitted to Room 1G-079 in Forrestal or Room E-076 in Germantown.

For additional information:
Forrestal (202) 586-6100
Germantown (301) 903-7050


To apply for a parking permit for the Forrestal garage, you must file a parking request.  Applicants for parking permits must submit the following forms to the Parking Management Office by the 15th day of the month for review and approval or disapproval.

  • HQ F 1400.12 (pdf) , Parking Permit Application
  • HQ F 1400.22, Parking Authorization

When the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, the application must be considered for issuance of parking permits for the following month.
The Parking Committee approves or disapproves request for parking spaces and considers employee appeals. The committee consists of two permanent members; one from the Office of Management (head of parking), and one from the Forrestal Chapter/National Treasury Employees Union President or designee.

Space Management

To request these services:
A requisition, DOE F 4250.2 (pdf) , should be submitted by the organization's Administrative Officer to the Director, Space Management and Facilities Development Group, FORS, Room 1G-079.

Tenant Alterations

To request these services:
A requisition, DOE F 4250.2 (pdf) , should be submitted by the organization's Administrative Officer to the Director, Space Management and Facilities Development Group, FORS, Room 1G-079.



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U.S. Department of Energy | 1000 Independence Ave., SW | Washington, DC 20585
1-800-dial-DOE | f/202-586-4403