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 CSRC Homepage
 CSRC Site Map

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 CSD Publications:
   - Draft Publications
   - Special Publications
   - FIPS Pubs
   - ITL Security Bulletins
   - NIST IRs

 CSD Focus Areas:
   - Cryptographic Standards
       & Application
   - Security Testing
   - Security Research /
       Emerging Technologies
   - Security Management
       & Assistance

 General Information:
   - Site Map
   - List of Acronyms
   - Archived Projects
        & Conferences
   - Virus Information
   - National Vulnerability

 News & Events  
   - Federal News
   - Security Events

 Services For the: 
   - Federal Community
   - Vendor
   - User
   - Small/Medium

 Links & Organizations
   - Academic
   - Government
   - Professional
   - Additional Links

 NIST's National
 Vulnerability Database:
Search for Vulnerabilities
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We've compiled an extensive catalogue of security government, vendor, and resource sites. Enjoy, and please submit your site or what you know of by e-mailing This list is in alphabetical order by government organization or program name.

Please see our NIST disclaimer
Any mention of commercial products within NIST web pages is for information only; it does not imply recommendation or endorsement by NIST.


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Last updated: March 5, 2009
Page created: February 23, 2001
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