Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. NASA Astrobiology Directory

    If you want to view lists, select "all" or one of the program elements. Alternatively, search for people by entering names, disciplines, project names, journal names, etc into the search box.

    Current list: none. Select: All      ASTEP   ASTID   Exobiology

    Showing 1-30 of 621 people from within the "nai" list.

2260 (estimated) results from Google

Directory « NASA Astrobiology

NASA Astrobiology Directory. If you want to view lists, select "all" or one of the program elements. Alternatively, search for people by entering names, ... ·

Rocco Mancinelli « Directory « Directory « NASA Astrobiology

Mancinelli, R.L., Landheim, R., Dornmayer-Pfaffenhuemer, M., Gruber, C., Legat, A., Radax, C.R., Ihara, K., White, M., Ventosa, A. & Stan-Lotter, ... ·

Jonathan Lunine « Directory « Directory « NASA Astrobiology

Pascucci, I., Gorti, U., Hollenbach, D., Najita, J., Meyer, M.R., Carpenter, J.M., Hillenbrand, L.A., Herczeg, G.J., Padgett, D.L., Mamajek, E.E., ... ·

Rosemary Capo « Directory « Directory « NASA Astrobiology

NAI PSU (2000)Evolution of atmospheric O2, climate, and the terrestrial biosphere/Causes and consequences of the diversification and extinction of metazoans ... ·

Renu Malhotra « Directory « Directory « NASA Astrobiology

Kim, J.S., Hines, D.C., Backman, D.E., Hillenbrand, L.A., Meyer, M.R., Rodmann, J., Moro-Martín, A., Carpenter, J.M., Silverstone, M.D., Bouwman, J., ... ·

Craig Manning « Directory « Directory « NASA Astrobiology

Manning, C.V., McKay, C.P. & Zahnle, K. (2004). Explaining Meridiani Planum: The Modeled Frequency and Spatial Extensiveness of Episodes Warm Enough to ... ·

Barbara Sherwood Lollar « Directory « Directory « NASA Astrobiology

Sherwood Lollar, B. (2007). Hydrogen-rich fluids in the deep earth: Potential for chemoautotrophy [Abstract]. Royal Society of Canada - Science Council of ... ·

David McKay « Directory « Directory « NASA Astrobiology

Avci, R., Schweitzer, M., Boyd, R., Wittmeyer, J., Steele, A., Toporski, J., Beech, I., Teran Arce, F., Spangler, B., Cole, K. & McKay, D.S. (In Press, ... ·

Member Lists for Current Teams

Arizona State University

Carnegie Institution of Washington

Georgia Institute of Technology

Jet Propulsion Laboratory – Icy Worlds

Jet Propulsion Laboratory – Titan


Montana State University

NASA Ames Research Center

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Pennsylvania State University

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

University of Hawaii, Manoa

University of Wisconsin

VPL @ University of Washington