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Economic Recovery - Archive

Congress continues to work to address the crisis in a responsible, bipartisan manner

Statements from House Leadership, Committees & Members 

Recent statements from House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer 

Recent statements from Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Recent statements from additional members of House Leadership

Recent statements from House Committees

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Conference Report

President Obama signed into law on February 13, 2009.

From the Office of Speaker Nancy Pelosi:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act As Signed Into Law - Updated Overview (2/18/09)

Summaries - By Issue:
Science & Technology
Health Care
Roads, Bridges, Transit & Waterways
Tax Cuts
Helping Workers Hurt by the Recession
Provisions Benefiting Businesses Large and Small 

Question & Answer:
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Questions and Answers, Rebutting Critics – Part I (12/13/09)
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Questions and Answers, Rebutting Critics – Part II (2/27/09)
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Questions and Answers, Rebutting Critics – Part III (3/11/09)

Fact Sheets: 
Provisions in the Recovery Act to Strengthen Rural America (3/11/09)
Marketing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (3/5/09)
List of Community Health Centers Receiving Funds (3/3/09)
Conference Report on American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - UPDATED Overview (2/13/09)
Talking Points: Historic Action On The Economic Crisis (2/13/09)
State-by-State Tables (2/13/09)
H.R.. 1, American Recovery & Reinvestment Act vs. House Republican Alternative (2/12/09)
- Going to Conference on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2/10/09)

From the Majority Leader's Office:
New Report Shows American Recovery And Reinvestment Act Will Work (Office of the Majority Leader, 3/4/09)

From the Appropriations Committee:
Investing in America: Combined Efforts of the Omnibus and Recovery Acts (3/12/09)
Summary Update: American Recovery and Reinvestment – Conference Report (2/12/09)
Bill Text - Division A (2/12/09)
Bill Text - Division B (2/12/09)
Bill Text - Signatures of Managers (2/12/09)
Joint Statement - Division A (2/12/09)
Joint Statement - Division B (2/12/09)

From the Committee on Ways & Means:
- Full Summary of Provisions from Senate Finance, House Ways & Means Committee (2/12/09)
Estimated Budget Effects Of The Revenue Provisions Contained In The Conference Agreement For H.R. 1, The “American Recovery And Reinvestment Tax Act Of 2009” (2/12/09)
Chairman McDermott: A New Deal for a New Century (2/12/09)

From the Committee on Energy & Commerce:
Chairman Waxman Announces Energy & Commerce Provisions of the Economic Recovery Package Conference Agreement (2/12/09)
A full summary of the Energy & Commerce provisions in the final American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2/12/09)

Support Letters
Letters and Releases from Groups Supporting The Conference Report (2/13/09)
National Association of Manufacturers (2/12/09)
- American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (2/12/09)
Microsoft (2/12/09)

Additional Resources
White House Releases State by State Numbers; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to Save or Create 3.5 Million Jobs (White House, 2/17/09)
Recovery Act: Next Steps (Office of Management and Budget, 2/13/09)
State-by-State Estimates of Key Provisions Affecting Low- and Moderate-Income Individuals (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2/12/09)
The Nationwide Allocation of Recovery Funding: An Interactive Map on the Final House-Senate Compromise (Center for American Progress, 2/13/09)
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Gets Americans Back To Work (Office of the House Majority Leader, 2/13/09)

State-by-State Funding

State-By-State Jobs Impact (White House, 2/12/09)

District-by-District Job Impact (White House, 2/11/09)

Additional Reports & Fact Sheets on the Economy

Going to Conference on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Office of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 2/10/09)

Congressional Action On Economic Recovery (Office of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 2/10/09)

The Economic Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - Analysis by Mark Zandi (1/21/09)

Chart Packet on Financial Crisis (Senate Budget Committee, 1/28/09)

Recovery and Reinvestment 101 (Center for American Progress, 1/28/09)

Myths and falsehoods surrounding the economic recovery plan (Media Matters for America, 1/28/09)

Fact Sheet: Bipartisan, Open & Transparent Process on American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (1/28/09)

List of Organizations Supporting Key Elements of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Office of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 1/27/09)

The State of the Economy and Issues in Developing an Effective Policy Response (Testimony of Douglas W. Elmendorf, Director of CBO, 1/27/09)

Fact Sheet: Leaders of Business and Technology on Investment in America's IT Infrastructure (Office of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 1/21/09)

American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan - Updated Fact Sheet (Office of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 1/16/09)

Summary: American Recovery and Reinvestment (House Appropriations Committee, 1/15/09)

Growing Support for the American Recovery & Reinvestment Bill (Office of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 1/22/09)

Early Support for the American Recovery & Reinvestment Plan (Office of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 1/16/09)

Economic Conditions Worsen, Comprehensive, Robust and Urgent Action on Economic Recovery & Jobs Needed (Office of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 1/06/09)

Pumping Life Back into the U.S. Economy: Why a Stimulus Package Must Be Big and Targeted (Center for American Progress, 1/09)

How Did This Happen? Facts on the Core Causes of the Economic Meldown (Media Matters Action Network and the Center for American Progress Action Fund)

"It’s the Credit Market" - the Real Pain of Our Financial Crisis, A report from Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN), (10/2/08)

A Collection of Editorials Supporting the Bipartisan Plan (10/2/08)

A Collection of Quotes from Prominent Economists Supporting the Economic Recovery Plan (10/2/08)

A Collection of Editorials Supporting the Bipartisan Plan (9/29/08)

Crisis on Wall Street Trickles Down to Main Street, Impact on Taxpayers, Consumers, Homeowners & Businesses

Foreclosure Prevention Resources:

Foreclosure Prevention Guide (10/15/08)

Resources for Questions Regarding the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (10/15/08)

Majority Leader Hoyer Responds on National Television

» Negotiations on Stimulus Plan Discussed on Fox News, February 11, 2009
There are differences, and we're going to have to reconcile them if we're going to pass legislation, and we believe that passing legislation is critical. We're going to compromise. We believe the states need to have additional resources, so they don't lay off teachers, lay off firefighters, lay off police, and can stabilize their own governments in an era of very deep fall in their revenues.
» Senate Passes Stimulus Amid Contention on MSNBC, February 10, 2009
It's not unusual for there to be differences between the Senate and the House. Sometimes very serious differences. People hopefully of goodwill can come together and there's going to have to be compromises. We believe, as you know, as the speaker pointed out the states are in real trouble. We want to make sure they don't have to lay off police, fire, teachers.
» Hoyer Delivers Explanation of Economic Stimulus Debate on the House Floor, February 09, 2009
We are today in my opinion to be honest with the American people. They need to know that this economic crisis will not end overnight. I think the Chairman's made that pretty clear, and they need to know the reasons why. The deep, deep, deep fiscal hole we have inherited after eight years of fiscal recklessness.

» On House Floor on the Economic Stimulus Plan, January 28, 2009
I want to start my remarks taking a little bit of time, I want to start my remarks talking about bipartisanship and how we got here and why we're here. Over a year ago it appeared to us that the economic program adopted in 2001, 2003 was not working. It also appeared to the administration that it was not working.

 » With Richard Armey Talking About Economic Fix On CNBC, January 22, 2009
There is a significant difference of opinion as to whether or not we need to act and how large the action needs to be. Marty Feldstein says we need to act with spend and tax cuts, which is what we're doing.
New Congress and Stimulus Package on Bloomberg, January 06, 2009
I do believe there is a commitment to come together to pass this. There will be a very substantial tax component to the relief to working americans, to get additional dollars in their paychecks starting now. We think that will have a very positive effect.
Speaking on CNN about Stimulus Tax Cuts in 2009, January 06, 2009
The first one was more of a rebate payment, simply a payment to people on a lump sum basis. This will be a actual tax cut where workers will experience throughout the year and take place immediately upon signature by the President.
Congressional Agenda for the New Year Discussed on Fox News, January 04, 2009
All of those are objectives we'd like to attain. We've all talked about this, this is not a bill for special interest earmarks or add-ons, this is a bill to try to create jobs, quickly, and to invest for long term economic development and recovery. And so this is both a recovery package and investment package for the future...