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Clean Energy Economy

Committee Sites:

Committee on Energy
and Commerce

Select Committee on
Energy Independence
and Global Warming

"A comprehensive approach to America's energy policy that will create millions of new clean energy jobs, save consumers hundreds of billions of dollars in energy costs, enhance America's energy independence, and cut global warming pollution." - Energy and Commerce Committee

The American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454) 

Committee Report on H.R. 2454 (includes text as amended)
Summary of H.R. 2454, as reported by Committee 
Letters in support of House Passage of H.R. 2454 
Proposed Allowance Allocation 
Summary of EPA Preliminary Analysis 
EPA Analysis of H.R. 2454 Revisions 
EPA Modeling of Discussion Draft 
CBO Cost Estimate (6/5/09)
CBO Estimate of Household Costs 
Industry Claims about the Costs of the Clean Air Act 
Fact Sheet: Economy and Jobs

Information from the White House

Remarks by the President on Energy (6/29/09)

Remarks by the President on the Importance of Passing a Historic Energy Bill (6/25/09)

Information from Leadership & Committees

Informational Packet: Building the Clean Energy Economy (Offices of Speaker Pelosi, Leader Hoyer, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, June 2009)

Office of the Majority Leader

Hoyer Statement on the American Clean Energy and Security Act (6/26/09)

Hoyer Statement on House Energy Legislation (5/13/09)

Office of the Speaker

Pelosi: 'We Have Come to China Because We Believe the U.S. and China Must Confront the Challenge of Climate Change Together' (5/26/09)

Bold Action Taken by Energy and Commerce Committee Tonight Brings Us Closer to Comprehensive Reform (5/21/09)

Committee on Energy & Commerce

Energy and Commerce Committee Passes Comprehensive Clean Energy Legislation (5/21/09)

Chairmen Waxman and Markey Introduce "The American Clean Energy and Security Act" (5/15/09)

Energy & Commerce Committee Democrats Release Details of An Agreement on Allocation of Allowances Provision To Major Energy-Intensive, Trade-Exposed Industries (5/13/09)

Energy & Commerce Committee Democrats Release Details of the Agreement on Allocation of Allowances to the Auto Industry (5/13/09)

Energy & Commerce Committee Democrats Release Details of the Agreement on Renewable Electricity and Energy Efficiency Standards (5/13/09)

Fact Sheets & Aditional Information

GOP Leadership – A History of Saying No to Energy Independence (7/1/09)

CBO Letter: The Estimated Costs to Households From the Cap-and-Trade Provisions of H.R. 2454 (Congressional Budget Office, 6/19/09)