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Fiscal Year 2010 Budget

A New Era of Responsibility, Renewing America’s Promise

President Obama's Budget Outline:

Office of Management & Budget

Budget Blueprint: A New Era of Responsibility - Renewing America's Promise 

FY 2010 Budget Documents 

FY 2010 Budget Fact Sheets 

FY 1996-2009 Budgets 

Statements from Leadership & Committees 

Hoyer Statement on CBO Analysis of the President's Budget (3/20/09)

Pelosi Statement on CBO Analysis of Obama Budget (3/20/09)

Spratt Statement on CBO Deficit Projection (3/20/09)

Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on President Obama’s Budget 

Reid Statement on President Obama’s FY 2010 Budget Plan 

Budget Committee: Spratt Statement on President Obama’s Budget 

Ways & Means Committee: President Obama’s Budget is a Responsible Roadmap to Prosperity 

House Armed Services Committee: Skelton Statement on President’s FY10 Budget Outline 

Education & Labor Committee: Chairman Miller Lauds President Obama’s Higher Education Budget 

Energy & Commerce Committee: Chairman Waxman Issues Statement on Health Care in the President's Budget 

Natural Resources Committee: President’s Budget: Renewed Promise for America’s Natural Resources 

Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming: Markey: Obama's Budget Reflects Momentum Towards Global Warming Bill 


Executive Summary: Budget Highlights (White House, 2/26/09)

Summary: President Obama’s Fiscal Year 2010 Budget (House Budget Committee, 2/27/09)

A First Look at the President’s FY2010 Budget Blueprint (Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, 2/26/09)

Reports & Fact Sheets

Myths and falsehoods relating to President Obama's budget proposal (Media Matters for America, 4/2/09)

Obama Budget Reduces Deficit by $900 Billion Compared to Current Budget Policies (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 3/31/09)

History Contradicts Claim That President’s Budget Would Harm Small Business Job Creation (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 3/26/09)

High-Income Households Would Face Lower Tax Burden under Obama Budget than In Clinton Years, When Economy Performed Well (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 3/26/09)

Top 10 Facts: What Does President Obama’s Budget Do for You? (Majority Leader's Office, 2/27/09)

The American People Called For Change (Majority Leader's Office, 2/26/09)

Obama's Tax Cuts for American Families - A State-by-State Breakdown (Center for American Progress, 3/10/09)

Complete Chart Packet (House Budget Committee, 2/27/09)

Support for President's Budget

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Statement by Robert Greenstein on the President’s Budget Proposal (2/26/09)

Economic Policy Institute: President Obama’s budget: An honest path to sustainability (2/26/09)

Center for American Progress: A New, Ambitious Course of Action, President Obama Releases a Blueprint for the Federal Budget (2/26/09)