Inglis laments President Obama’s stem cell order

(March 10, 2009)

U.S. Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC) said Tuesday that utilitarian philosophy trumped human dignity when President Barack Obama signed an executive order permitting federal funding for the destruction of more human embryos for research.

“Utilitarianism beat down human dignity in the stroke of President Obama's pen," said Inglis, a member of the House Science Committee. "Research that kills some humans in an attempt to help other humans is devaluing for all humans. We can do research--more promising research, in fact--without destroying life. We can do in vitro fertilization without creating 'excess' embryos. Couples are waiting to adopt the 'extra' embryos that have already been created. In a technological age, we need bright lines of respect for human life. This is not the interference of politics into science but the bounding of science with ethics and morality.”

Inglis holds a 100% pro-life voting record as scored by the National Right to Life Committee and has co-sponsored several pieces of legislation that protects life such as the Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act (HR 2520).

330 Cannon Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515, 220.225.6030 - 105 N Spring Street, Suite 111, Greenville, SC 29601, 864.232.1141 - 145 N Church Street, BTC #56, Spartanburg, SC 29306, 864.582.6422 - Union County 864.427.2205