Federal Reserve Statistical Release, G.17, Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Releases home page
Release dates | Documentation
Current Monthly Release   Other formats: ASCII | PDF (144 KB)
Supplemental Monthly Release   Other formats: ASCII | PDF (144 KB)
Annual Revision Release   Other formats: ASCII | PDF (150 KB)
Data Download Program (DDP) | Announcements | Historical data (text files)

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1998 Releases

December 16, 1998
November 24, 1998 (Annual revision)
November 16, 1998
October 16, 1998
September 16, 1998
August 14, 1998
July 16, 1998
June 16, 1998
May 15, 1998
April 17, 1998
March 17, 1998
February 17, 1998
January 16, 1998
December 15, 1997
December 9, 1997 (Annual revision)
January 27, 1997 (Annual revision)

Historical and Scheduled Release Dates  

Statistical releases